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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WhitetailAddict11

  1. I'm a deer season baby myself. October 1st to be exact. Coincidence that my birthday is opening day of the new deer season every year, I think not! I was born to chase whitetails, and I hope your little gift is to Elmo!
  2. I watched the first two episodes on Sunday night as well; good stuff for sure. That black bear cub was to fricken cute climbing up and down that tree with mom.
  3. You must hunt some damn good property WNY, you lay 'em down every year! Not taking away from your hunting skills because you obviously know what you're doing!
  4. And I saved a ton on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
  5. I would love to be able to hunt coyotes in the summer. Not a bad way to spend your days leading up to deer season!
  6. From what I'm reading in reputable magazines, turkey numbers are continuing to decline and have been for the past few years across the country. Wildlife biologists are stumped as to why.
  7. That's a very legitimate point Mike without a doubt. I will be trapping coons and shooting more coyotes on my properties this year to see what kind of affect it has on the hatch next spring. I see coyotes on one of my best properties almost every other time I hunt but the farmer doesn't want them being shot because "they keep the woodchucks down" THE HELL THEY DO. I see woodchuck holes everywhereeeeee on that property because those dogs stay full on fawns and turkey poults throughout the summer and early fall.
  8. Sorry fellas but I'm going with the majority here. Birds are dead silent and strutting activity is non existent IF you can even find a bird. Foliage is to thick and hay is to tall. It never fails that this time of year the hunting falls off rapidly. Regardless of the good knowledge that Mike dropped, the season needs a one week earlier opening and has needed it for 3 year now. Plenty of seasoned turkey guys around here say the late season just isn't what it used to be.
  9. Me and fellow member Tyman1876 hit the water today after a quiet day in the turkey woods. The water was finally low enough in one of our favorite spots to see if the fish were biting. Were they ever! We ended with roughly 30 landed fish and a handful of missed strikes. Ty was the winner of the day with the majority of the better fish we caught, and snapped his line on a WHOPPER smally just as he was reaching down to snatch him up. He followed up with a super nice crappie. I was catching all the smaller fish lol. Here's some pics!<br /><br />
  10. Thanks ants! Gonehntn I had a final exam for school I had to get home and catch a nap for so I wasn't dead tired when I got their, otherwise I would have done exactly what you said!
  11. Dr, James Kroll, aka Dr. Deer is a joke. His hunts are always highly skeptical, and almost always involve a rifle and some type of fancy shooting house. Dr. Grant Woods is a much better example of a true deer and overall wildlife and property manager. He has a ton of YouTube videos called "Growing Deer Tv". From food plots to coon trapping he covers it all and is just a wicked cool guy.
  12. Awesome man! He's got a whopper of a head for a jake!
  13. Im stuck at work today but I guess if I had to pick a day to work a rainy one isn't too bad
  14. Well gentelman I took 2 days off after killing my bird Tuesday morning and thats all I could take, I HAD THE ITCH!! I went out this morning to a farm that always holds turkeys but has been quiet since the opener. Much like what I did to kill my first bird, my plan was to head in towards the roost and see if there was any birds gobbling. Well with the trees getting real green I could hear some muffled gobbles off to my Southeast and I knew right where the bird was, however this farm is notorious for jakes so I didnt get my hopes up just yet. I made my way over to the field I beleived he was roosted on and took a seat against a tree that really wasnt to convenient as far as staying hidden goes, but I didnt originally plan to stay there for long, I just wanted to give it time to get a bit lighter and let him gobble a bit more to see where he was exactly. After about 5 mins of silence he gobbled and was roosted in a hedgerow about 150 to my East. I yelped on the box just to let him know I was their but no repsonse. About a minute or two later he hammered and I could tell he was in the field. I pulled up the binos and could see a white head moving throught the field and a big old rounded fan gobbling like crazy, ITS ON BABY!! It was too good to be true, my first morning back in the woods and I have a big ol' longbeard all alone coming on a string and hes hotter than a stove pipe!! I had no decoy out and was directing my calls back into the woods with my hand playing the old come find me game. He was eating it up and working right along the edge of the woods, I'm talking this ol' boy is literally gonna walk right in front of my barrel. Well he gets to about 10 steps just to my left and he's covered up by a dogberry bush but straight out in front of me is open field. He rips a gobble right in my face and this is turning out to be a textbook hunt and im convinced this is a done deal. Well he comes about about 5 more steps and needs about 2 more to be literally within poking distance of my choke tube. Well that sun of a birtch tree knew something wasnt adding up and without warning he folded up and darted back down the hedgerow. 2 MORE STEPS WAS ALL I NEEDED. Boy was I heated!!! It was an incredible hunt, he jsut got to clost plain and simple. I was steady as a rock ready to go but he was gonna step on my boot as soon as he cleared the bushes. I have a vendetta against him now and we will meet again!!
  15. I know this is a "fishing" thread topic but the fishing thread doesnt exactly get a ton of attention so I figured I'd post it here. Anyone thrown out a few lines for smallies? We have some damn good fishing for them around my place but the water flowing down from up North has been pretty heavy so the river is still awfully high. Me and my buddy catch 10-20 fish on a slow day just throwing out panther martin spinners into small pools and rock edges, so the good days are nothing short of a barn burner. Of course them ol' longbearded fools come first in the mornings but I'm looking forward to hitting the water soon. Anyone else?
  16. This ticks me off for two reasons. One KNOW WHAT YOUR SHOOTING AT!!! It's plain and freaking simple!!! Second I dont buy into the whole "be careful you dont call other hunters in" type of deal. As Joesph said, its male birds only in the Spring, so why any idiot would go sneaking up on a "hen" is beyond me. Then again who am i to talk, this exact incident proves that anything can happen. Be safe guys!
  17. My mind is freakin' blown right now to think it can get anymore bizarre than it already has . Hurry up with the rest Wolly!!
  18. Good deal Wolly! You're rockin' so many different camo patterns there's not an environment you can't blend into haha!!
  19. Thanks for the heads up guys, much appreciated. That hypodermic looks nasty!!
  20. Sweet! My father loves his 835, he's killed a lot of long beards with that gun!
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