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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WhitetailAddict11

  1. It even ships locally! I completely agree with ya biz.
  2. Did anyone else see the SCI Safari hunting show on the Outdoor Channel where they hunt with "Quest Haven Guides" in Pennsylvania? This place has 200"-400" deer walking all over it. I have never seen such f#$%ery in my life!! They credit their deer to optimum does and bucks, good food, low pressure, and "world class management". YEAH RIGHT!! What a crock that is!! I credit it to high fences, yuppie money, and steroids. They claim that they grow 1 1/2 year old deer that sport 180" of antler . The entire time, everyone they showed hunting was doing so in plain clothes, (one girl in flip flops!) and hunting out of shooting houses fit for a king. I can only imagine what these people are paying to hunt these deer! Their website says that price's on trophy animals are priced on an "individual basis". I can promise you I will never donate an ounce of money to SCI after seeing that garbage. That's not hunting, that's killing and that's cowardice! Any hunter with half a brain on whitetail deer knows that bucks don't grow like that, they just don't.
  3. Easton-N-Fused Carbon 400's with a 100g RAGE 2-blade (original, not the chisel tip). I absolutely SWEAR by RAGE broad heads
  4. Congrats on the success! Feels good to lay one down with the season nearing its last few weeks!
  5. Don't forget about those last remaining estrous does boys! Had a small 7 pointer push a group of 6 does across every inch of ground near my stand this morning so I had a feeling one of them was hot. Sure enough right at last light this evening he pushed a single doe in front of my stand, and I'm guessing she was the hot one of the group that he was finally able to break away from the group. Judging by her body language and the way she was reacting to him, I'd say she was ready to give the youngin' what he was looking for at some point tonight. Hug those doe bedding areas on a wind that works for a buck slightly more than it works for you and hold tight! Excellent day time movement today.
  6. Moreau State Park also allows public hunting on some 8,000 acres I believe. Good for bear and Big Northern Bucks.
  7. Albany Pine Bush is a very large tract of public bow hunting (no guns allowed all season), and home to not only a good number of deer, but some pretty darn good bucks as well. I have some friends that used to hunt down their religiously with very good success, and they are pretty average bow hunters. Don't be fooled by it being in Albany either, it's made up of some beautiful terrain, and lots of oaks! There is also some small tracts of public land in Wilton that you could sink your teeth into. Over by the Terrill Hills development just off route. 50 is a place I have always known as the "County Pines" amongst my father's hunting group. I have seen some fantastic bucks come off that property over the years, but it has gone down a bit in size due to development. Personally I would really spend some time down in Albany, I have tagged along a handful of times with my buddies and was very impressed with what I seen, not to mention it has the track record to prove it.
  8. Good morning all, hope everyone had a solid weekend of hunting. My father shot a nice buck opening morning, so we caped him yesterday and brought him to a new taxidermist that we're trying after hearing very good things about him. I dropped my bow buck off to be mounted back around Oct 25, and when we went over to drop off dad's buck yesterday, he already had my deer nearly finished, just alot of touch up work left, and he said it would be done by christmas. The mount looks absolutely incredible, I was blown away, but I have never seen a deer mounted that quickly. Should I be worried about this? Most of my dad's past mounts from other taxidermist's took 4-6 months on average I would say.
  9. Just to be clear, I say I'm willing to take the risk not because I'm being ignorant or talking out of my ass, but because the chances of that are so significantly miniscule.
  10. Quite honestly, I'm willing to take the risk of someone shooting at me. If you're so worried about being shot by another hunter, than carry a flashlight when it's dark.
  11. My father shot this fine 9-pointer at 7:48 this morning. This is our second 9 off this property this year, its certainly been good to us. I firmly believe that clean exit and entry routes, hunting the right winds, and lightly hunting this property has attributed to our success on this farm. Happy hunting guys!
  12. If NY State is worried about hunter safety then they should require that we where orange, simple as that.
  13. That's my point arrow nocker. It never fails that every year on opening day shots ring out all around me and I'm being the good guy and waiting to be legal because NYC does whatever they can to make deer hunting difficult.
  14. I walked out of the woods tonight at 4:30 at sunset, the end of legal hunting shooting hours, shaking my head in frustration. There was a solid 15-20 minutes left of shoot-able/safe hunting light left, and I'm leaving the woods during prime time. Good thing I'm a respectful hunter and obey a law that gets bent every season by many of hunters. DEC knows how tough New York hunting is, they could throw us a damn bone and give us at least 15 mins after sunset.
  15. Looks like Mom dropped him on his head as a baby :-P. Congrats Wolly, and great shot!!
  16. Props to your buddy! Could have been handled completely different on the part of the new landowner, but instead he chose to take the "dink" route, and got exactly what he deserved.
  17. A Remington mountain rifle in 7mm-08 has been my father's bread and butter for a lot of years now. From the bigger bodied bucks of the ADK's to the slightly smaller bodied bucks of the farm country, it's got PLENTY of knock down power with little recoil. Ruger just came out with a new rifle, the Ruger "American" it retails for $450 or $550, I don't exactly remember which, but it got fantastic feedback in the Outdoor Life rifle tests for 2012 models. It's not offered in 7mm-08 but it is offered in .308 which is the big brother of the 7mm-08. Like I said, it got great reviews and has some newer Ruger innovation.
  18. So awesome man. He's only gonna love it more and more with every hunt he goes on!
  19. I've got a **** a cat couldnt scratch after watching that haha!! I hope you plug that ol'boy real soon!!
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