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Gun Hunter's Safety Course


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Good question, might be because it's only bow in Westchester but that should not matter. Find a local archery or hunting store and ask them if they are providing one, if not you should be able to find something on the DEC web site may be? Ahh Brewster was fun to hunt...

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Putnam used to always have them. Westchester is bow only for deer, but there are several westchester spots you can hunt with shotgun for small game/turkey.


Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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Keep looking. Usually the late August./Early September they start. Plus, it is the up to the instructor if ti is listed on the site or not. Call your local regional office and ask. They have the complete listing and will give you sign up information. Instructors are only mandated to do one course a year, and many do just that.

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Why aren't there any courses listed for Putnam County and/or Westchester County for Gun? I have been looking for months now on behalf of others. I know a few people who want to take it.

Steve McD would and can get you the info you need.He has help me with these Question's and is located in dutchess not far from Westchester/Putnam.
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