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First 5 of the year


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Nice group especialy for your first shots!!! I try not to shoot at known yardage any more. (I shoot a lot!) I shoot from 30 yards to about 70 unless in a 3d shoot. 30 and less is just not much of a challenge any more, we have little green army men hanging from a string that I consistantly stake to the back of the target (my only known yardage 30). I took out a tack yesterday at about 41 yards. OMG shooting is fun especialy long distance, IMO. Just remember if you start to get tired stop! I see myself doing really bad things when I get tired, and I hope you do not put the bow away till the season starts. I still hold my bow with closed hand when I shoot but it works for me... Now I just have to get more consistant past 50 yards... And yes I would shoot a deer at up to 45-50 yards and out to 65 if they are laying down... (can not jump the string then...) I see no problem with shooting this far if you practice... When I do not shoot a lot I am good out to about 45 yards max...

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Thanks NFA, I wont be putting the bow away. Ill be back to shooting as soon as I get it over to the shop to get the peep adjusted back to normal. I shoot out to 50-60 yards at the range and try to mix it up between unknown distances and elevated/ground level. I love to shoot, just wish I had more time to do it.

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Dom, i would not blame the wind on your elevated shots. Sounds to me like a form problem. Your upper body must remain as consistant as if you were shooting on level ground. Bending at the hips is the best way to achieve this but it is not always as easy as it sounds. Awkward angles can often times cause your ancor to be off a hair without you noticing the slight change. Often times it is the amount of pressure your applying to the side of your face as you ancor. Also your grip can change slightly if your not careful. I would be very aware of your front shoulder as you come to full draw. It's easy to drop your front shoulder as you bend to get on target. Your wrist position may then be forced into a low position as well.. All these slight inconsistancies can lead to irratic shots.

Edited by dave6x6
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