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yesterday while out moving camera i seen 2 fawn and 2 does, i wanted to check on the water level but since they ran that way after seeing me i couldn't go back there. going out to city i seen a fawn on 390 right before ridgeway ave, i was told there is a set of triplets around there. also i almost got slammed on my bike yesterday. someone basically made a u-turn near a traffic light then cut through the cars then went around them the light turned and i was there at the intersection, happened so fast i fishtailed it then i realized it so i let go of brakes and and he just missed me! i was shaking like you wouldn't believe. someone yell "nice save". went by there on way home and i left like a 5 ft skid mark. woowhoo i made it!

Edited by paula
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Be careful out there Paula...there's a group of woman bikers that family members ride with...one some how rear ended another...going slow...OMG both are in the hospital...Our Daughter just showed me her new riding jacket...kavlar and padded.....now if I can only get her to wear chaps

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