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So I raked......

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a new short plot connector today...this will make a narrow winding 600ft plot that runs from the big field...to a small circular plot on the middle...continuing on connecting to the wooded clover plot....then that is adjacent to a annual plot similar in size..... that has another 100 ft narrow plot that doubles back to the middle plot...phewwww...that was a mouth full...lol...any how all of this meanders along under dozens of red oak...past 7 wild apple trees...only 3 are of baring age...3 persimmons,,,and two gobbler oaks and one Chinese chest nut...oh...and A Sassafras tree....apples and one persimmon are the only ones of baring age right now

Then in the goats old pasture I disced up 8,000 sq feet of plot....today I picked 8 wheel barrows of rocks out of that and have 2 more to do...then will disc again...fertilize and put in the radish with a splash of turnips and maybe winter wheat....Still no oats have arrived...hhhmmmm

I'm tired.....

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They have a great smell..I can't define ..when you crush a leaf..the outer layer of mature roots is what root beer was made from..I THINK...lol...I planted several on the property but only 3 grew and thrived in different areas...they produce a blk berry...and grow very fast...

I don't have pics on hand but will take some and post....

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Tnks I have my feet on 4 pillows as I type...but alas need to go BBQ chicken and fry up some zucchini from the garden...hey...I actually have some things trying to grow again..and water and muskmelon plants with flowers!!!..too little too late...Oh well.... lol

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All but the oat plot are all done....so they will have......Hemp/S. Beans/turnips....that is in 3 different areas....rye/rape seed...clover...alfalfa/clover....rye /turnips in 3 different areas....HSG/clover in three different areas...then I'll be doing a light discing and putting the oats in a big clover plot....Rape seed and turnips are already up and looking good..will look better after tomorrows rain ...and the new hemp plots are greening nicely....the one failed field area I left..too close to road...not enough cover...but...some sorghum made it and I actually have S.beans with good runners...the weeds hid them enough to grow....had the biggest wood chuck I have EVER seen cross the road in front of me as I took the tractor down to plant...it almost looked like a big beaver...no we have no beavers here....lol...OOppps almost forgot the Ground hog radish / rye / turnips The critters should be well fed for winter this year

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Thanks...you too...We had a very nice rain yesterday afternoon and lots of lightening before...Ozone it's a good thing...Well after dinner I checked the woodland rye bracc. trail plot and the GH radish/rye plot...planted the same day...one in shady area one in open pasture area...the trail have rye up 4inches and braccs germinating ...the GH radish...no rye and radish barely breaking shell...funny how things grow around here go figure..lol...

That trail plot is very important though...it is what will draw the deer to the middle of our land ...right behind the house....they will travel this to get to the corn if I calculate their feed pattern right...and the lease guys don't fill the feeder much.. :fie: The corn should stay up well into bow season....it just tasseled and got silk this past week....lots of growing left to do and it will be cut for silage...so the moisture count needs to get down.....pics later

Edited by growalot
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