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Score This Mulie


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For the experienced scorers, just curious what this Mule Deer would score?

It has 7 points on the left side, the 7th point is a 2nd brow point that is just over an inch long.

It has 5 points on the right side.

The spread is 24".

Once again, just curious on some approximations on Gross/Net. Thank you in advance!


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Probaly busy with work? He might see it later to help you out, is that your dad's?

Nice buck.

Yes, its his from years ago. His biggest of 4 Mulies.

I get 148 without the abnormal points. I really have no experience judging mule deer.

Cool, thanks. I know it has good mass, but the forks could be deeper. Would this help you? http://www.boone-crockett.org/bgrecords/bc_scoring_ntmuledeer.asp?area=bgrecords&type=Non%2DTypical+Mule+Deer+%26+Blacktail

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Yea the only measurements I know for sure is the 24" spread and the 7 points and 5 points.

Here's the pic uncropped. The whitetail is 129 and change for size comparison. Thought the whitetail is from Texas and the Mule Deer was around 300lbs, so not if it really helps at all.

I appreciate your effort.


Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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