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hunting health....


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Well guys learned some thing at the Dr.s office yesterday...For those of you who may be on Blood pressure meds...ya I know there's a lot of young ppl ...younger on this site...but your turns coming...lol

If you get dehydrated it tends to lower your BP...and if your on BP meds that lower your BP...it could lead to passing out?

I told the Dr. about my little incident while out cutting timber and said Mr. B chewed me out for a week and said I should have called...me of course said done over no need...

That's when the Dr. said I would have told you to lay of your meds for at least a day and drink plenty of fluids... I never knew dehydration dropped your blood pressure...

So even in cooler temps...Stay hydrated out there...hiking around ...dragging deer and going up trees...you never know when you could pass out

Be safe...

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I'm not on BP meds. Have a slow heart rate but its normal for me(I run a lot). Well last Sunday I headed over to my brothers house and while driving down his road my BP started to crash.

I got out and asked him to get me a couple gatoraides. I slammed those down but it took a good half hour to feel ok. I dehydrated myself. Was out late the night before, ran in the morning and took my calcium/Magnesium supplement on an empty stomach. scary stuff right there, I know how you felt. This is the second time in the last 2 years this has happened. First time was a med mix-up that caused it.

Good post.

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dehydration reduces blood volume hence lower blood pressure through a process called osmosis. The same way that a diuretic does. True dehydration usually causes you to pass out ans require hospitalization to monitor electrolytes and iv fluid replacement as you can die.

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Thanks bubba...that explains his comment when I told him I felt it coming on and what happened..he said that was a good kind of passing out..then explained the dehydration./BP medication connection that contributed to it...and scolded me about not drinking enough while working...well always actually...I have to start using my camelbac...for more then a hot water bottle during winter hunts...hhmmm

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Growie...I have noticed that I get dehydrated MUCH faster in my later years... I thought it was just another "benefit" of old age, but I am on some BP meds and probably they are a factor. I drink lots of water, and I still have trouble with dehydration. I have never passed out, but I certainly have felt the effects of dehydration several times, fatique, nausea, etc...

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the only b/p meds which should effect fluid volume are called diuretcs. The work in the kidneys and make you pee more. When you pee more it lowers the blood volume hence lowers b/p. Like a hose with less water going through it, the pressure on the hose diminishes.Not all b/p meds do this.

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