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Northern Zone - Gun Opener


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Good luck, should be nice and cool

nice and cool? It was 62 here today and close to that tomorrow and all week. Absolutely no deer movement today at all. It does not help when the neighbor spends all morning shooting at targets right across the property line. I came home as I am putting in a new door tomorrow at my house.

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Been Hunting since Sat. with my son and friend. Haven't seen anything yet. Don't know if i am setting up in wrong spot or just that the deer aren't moving around a lot because it has been warm. I am watching an area of land between two swamps. Sitting on different sides depending on the wind. Any advice would be welcomed. Going to be back out in the woods again tomorrow!!!

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Went out today and didn't see nothing but saw lots of signs. Hunted, searspond state forest in 2 spots then another piese off of liberty rd. Not sure of the name right now. Put up a ton of partridge. I also hunted close to ponds and swamps. Best bet is to get in woods by 5am and set-up off of a pond or swamp and hope deer come your way.

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Been Hunting since Sat. with my son and friend. Haven't seen anything yet. Don't know if i am setting up in wrong spot or just that the deer aren't moving around a lot because it has been warm. I am watching an area of land between two swamps. Sitting on different sides depending on the wind. Any advice would be welcomed. Going to be back out in the woods again tomorrow!!!

I've only seen one deer since opening day and that was at dark on the ride out of the woods..

hoping this storm coming gets them moving sunday

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Been going out almost everyday after classes on weekdays and morning til noon on weekends. went out at 0530 on Saturday. watched a nice doe and 3 young ones walk by my stand about 0800 waited for about 2 hrs to see if a buck was following but nothing. haven't seen anything else since. I am hoping it is because they are laying down still from the storm yesterday.

i have tried 3 different scents, one was Code Blue, a cheap Herb Philipsons brand and one that is about $22.00 a bottle. Is there a kind that seems to work better then others?

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