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Last Day Pirates.


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So I went into work yesterday just for the extra money even though it was second to last day of gun. I get out rush to get my stuff on, I get to the woods and notice a blood trail literally 10 feet from the road.. { Didnt think much of it }.

So I was in the woods about an hour ago and I heard 4 wheelers pounding around. I was like ok, maybe there riding maybe there just leaving or maybe they will push the deer to me. Well after about a half hour of this guy tearing the woods up I hear punding in the brush and here comes a doe. A very small doe and it was on the run I didnt even think about shooting it. 2 minutes later BOOM.. I'm thinking no way did someone just shoot that little doe.

I got up to leave a tad bit pi$$ed that my last day wash a wash out. As i'm walking out I see a guy, no tags but had a shotgun. So i'm starting to put 2 and 2 together to realize they were driving deer.. Ok.

Well I get near the road and see a red suv sitting there guy in it rifle in the front and here comes these clowns with there little bambi deer didn't tag it shot the first one they seen loaded it up and took off.

Thats 2 deer in 2 days. To me thats poaching.. Clearly.

And no I didn't call the dec at this point in time I just wanted to get home.

I'll go late bow and avoid the crazy gun "hunters".. { And no im not saying all gun hunters are crazy but some of them just want to a easy hunt }.. To me thats not hunting.

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HOBH...do you think you perspective could be a little fired up because you hunt was ruined?

First...hoe do you know the first guy you mentioned didn't have any tags? My tags aren't in plain view if you mean carcass tags. back tag yes but you would have no way of knowing if he had a legitimate carcass tag.

Second...A rifle in the front seat is also perfectly legal assuming it is not loaded in chamber or magazine. I am thinking you weren't close enough to check his gun.

So I haven't read anything that sayd poachers on the second deer.....and since all you know about the first deer is there was a blood trail near the road that also doesn't mean it was poached from what you have said.

It bothers mee seeing all this voicing about what we think are poachers. It looks bad. If they are poaching then thurn them in . If you can't prove it then shut up and hunt. my view

Third....a deer does not have to be tagged until it is at the point of transportation. It must be filled out immediately but does not have to be put on while bringing it out.

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If these guys were playing by the rules then santa is really going to come down my chimney.

Like I said in my post they shot the deer loaded it up and took off I watched it. If there were a DEC right there they would have nailed them without a doubt they never tagged the deer they threw it in and booked. I don't know anyone that shoots a deer, dam near runs out of the woods with it throws it in the truck wthout being tagged and books....

Its allready an illegal hunt not much more needs to be said.. There pirates not hunters!!

And i'm not meaning to sound like a A$$ its just people like that are the reason why us real hunters get bad reps. And around were I hunt you hear more about poching and people hunting on land thats not theres than anything.

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Tagging, Transporting and Reporting

Deer and bear are in legal possession only when tagged with the appropriate portion of the big game license, deer management permit or other license provided for that purpose.


Here's what you must do immediately upon killing a deer or bear:

  1. Fill in all information on the carcass tag and report tag with ink that won't erase.
  2. Detach the carcass tag from the report tag. Once filled in, the tag may not be altered.
  3. Keep the report tag, you will need it when you report your deer or bear.
  4. The month and date must also be cut or marked in ink on the margin of the carcass tag.
  5. You do not need to attach the tag to the carcass while it is being dragged or physically carried from the place of kill to a camp or point where transportation is available.
  6. Once you get to the camp or vehicle, attach the tag to the deer or bear immediately.
  7. Keep the tag attached to the carcass until it is cut up and prepared for consumption.

You may continue to assist other hunters after you have filled all of your tags, as long as you do not shoot or attempt to shoot a deer. "Being afield with slugs after filling your big game tags is illegal; carrying a centerfire rifle may be considered evidence of attempting to shoot deer."

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I was'nt there so I can't comment on the specifics other than what you typed. Other than you not seeing a tag on the deer, which doesn't mean it wasnt somewhere, I can't see anything that makes that an illegal hunt. Hurrying and loading a deer fast is not illegal. FOr all I know they were late for church service...lol

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Once you get to the camp or vehicle, attach the tag to the deer or bear immediately.

And thats the one thing I know for sure they didnt do.. So yea it's a illegal hunt end of convo.

And K burke. I was beat form a long week at work and I just didn't want to deal with waiting a hour for them to come by.

Chalk it up as a loss for every hunter that goes by the rules. { Whats new }

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Tagging, Transporting and Reporting

Deer and bear are in legal possession only when tagged with the appropriate portion of the big game license, deer management permit or other license provided for that purpose.


Here's what you must do immediately upon killing a deer or bear:

  1. Fill in all information on the carcass tag and report tag with ink that won't erase.
  2. Detach the carcass tag from the report tag. Once filled in, the tag may not be altered.
  3. Keep the report tag, you will need it when you report your deer or bear.
  4. The month and date must also be cut or marked in ink on the margin of the carcass tag.
  5. You do not need to attach the tag to the carcass while it is being dragged or physically carried from the place of kill to a camp or point where transportation is available.
  6. Once you get to the camp or vehicle, attach the tag to the deer or bear immediately.
  7. Keep the tag attached to the carcass until it is cut up and prepared for consumption.

You may continue to assist other hunters after you have filled all of your tags, as long as you do not shoot or attempt to shoot a deer. "Being afield with slugs after filling your big game tags is illegal; carrying a centerfire rifle may be considered evidence of attempting to shoot deer."

yes....that is the regulation.

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Once you get to the camp or vehicle, attach the tag to the deer or bear immediately.

And thats the one thing I know for sure they didnt do.. So yea it's a illegal hunt end of convo.

And K burke. I was beat form a long week at work and I just didn't want to deal with waiting a hour for them to come by.

Chalk it up as a loss for every hunter that goes by the rules. { Whats new }

OK enough BS. How close were you to 100% KNOW they didn't have a tag on it?

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I was'nt there so I can't comment on the specifics other than what you typed. Other than you not seeing a tag on the deer, which doesn't mean it wasnt somewhere, I can't see anything that makes that an illegal hunt. Hurrying and loading a deer fast is not illegal. FOr all I know they were late for church service...lol

Church im thinking that was the last thing on there mind. Maybe a beer or something...

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Might be a hold over for me from the old days of flimsy tags but I bet you wouldn't see mine on any of my deer. I have had DEC check me because they didni't see it right a way. On a doe the tag is attached with a zip tie through and around the tendon on the hind quarter. I then fold the tag flat against the deers leg and put another zip tie around the leg to hold it close and It has no chance of ever pulling through that little hole. If you wer 20' away you woulnd't even know it was there. and you know what.....you don't have to know it was there. The law does not require YOU to know it was there. SO you don't KNOW they were pirates or poachers or what ever the pissing term of the day is. You believ they wereor think they were. The only way you would know for sure would have been to make that call. And without making that call you set yourself up to feel like this again some day. They only way we are going to make our ranks better is to make that call if you believe it was an illegal hunt. But if were are in a courtroom now.....you have no proof now

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I think this is getting a bit over analyzed now. Quads first, deer running second and shot from truck third. Sounds illegal to me......would of reported it though.

it's also sad that as the season wears on people resort to things like this to harvest a deer. Road hunters were out in full force by me over the weekend.

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I did do something.. I left lol, im not a dec I just happen to observe a illegal hunt. Never said they shot from the truck and i'm not whining more less just talking about my experience.

Don't like the thread or the way I worded it cool.. Beat it then..

Sounds like your whining did you get that buck 10 feet from the road you sound like your sticking up for the average poacher.

But im sure if you seen this near your home it would be a different story.

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Sure would be if they were even the same guys. He never said the quad was with the truck. I love how these things get all blown out of proportion and guys that don't hunt like you like are pirates and poachers.

Do they hunt like I would....nope but aside from you not seeing a tag nothing was illegal from what you typed. NOTHING.

loaded gun in vehicle....nope

Quad was with the guys that got the deer.....don't know

Hell you even said the one from before you got there was poached and you weren't even there for that one.

and for the record I haven't taken a buck that close to the road but I I was outside the ROW and not shooting across the road I sure would....If I had a tag left...lol

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It is illegal to take or hunt wildlife:

  • while in or on a motor vehicle (except by the holder of a Non Ambulatory Hunter Permit).
  • with the aid of a vehicle's lights.
  • on or from any public road.
  • with any firearm equipped with a silencer.
  • with any firearm which continues to fire as long as the trigger is held back (an automatic firearm).
  • with a spear.
  • with a bow equipped with any mechanical device which is attached to the bow (other than the bowstring) for drawing, holding or releasing the bowstring, except for a hunter with a disability who is in possession of a Modified Longbow Authorization (compound bows are legal).
  • with a spear gun or crossbow except for a hunter with a disability who is in possession of a Modified Crossbow Permit.
  • with an arrow with an explosive head or shaft.
  • with any device designed or intended to deliver drugs to an animal.
  • with any semi-automatic firearm with a capacity to hold more than 6 rounds, EXCEPT the following semi-automatic firearms:
    1. firearms using .22 or .17 caliber rimfire ammunition, or
    2. firearms altered to reduce their capacity to no more than 6 shells at one time in the magazine and chamber combined, or
    3. autoloading pistols with a barrel length of less than eight inches.

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