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must be a storm brewing....


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I drove home last night and with in a 1/2 sq mile of the house I counted 18 deer out on the move and feeding in the fields....just down from the drive a big doe and 4 smaller fawn crossed into our pines...I wonder if she "collected " some orphans or had 4 last year...I've only seen that one other spring/summer here...the doe was skin and bones but the fawns were healthy looking at the time and made it through to fall..

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I listened to the trees last night ...they sounded like glass ball barrings rolling every time the wind blew.....This morning a sheet of ice lay over the snow covered ground and I have watched as the ice builds up..... lowering the tree limbs in a light misting rain...We are due to get another 2-4 in. of wet snow on top of this....I'll be moving the car to a more open space from trees and clearing roofs and boat & tractor covers later...Everyone drive carefully today.

PS ...just as I posted this...the snow started..snow big flakes and fast

Edited by growalot
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Wow ...any body in this stuff..DO NOT HAND SHOVEL...I want to see your deer take next year ;)

Just clearing the car...boat and tractors was rough...This stuff could make killer snow /ice balls....and it's like walking through a slurry of partially set concrete....Temps quickly went up to 36....Snow changed to rain and a ground fog crept in from the valley floor

Just be careful out there

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