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A guy off another site looked into this ....We all ( as sportsman)are getting bent over so much by our elected Officials...we should have our Proctologist on speed dial....No worries though your next broad head...fishing lure..ect purchase will help pay for it...


Medical Excise Tax

« on: March 18, 2013, 08:36:24 AM »
I got this info in an email over the weekend and thought I would share it with y'all.  Keep in mind our ELECTED officials voted this "Obamacare" or "Affordable Care Act" into law.  If I am not mistaken it would have taken a majority vote in the house and 2/3 vote in the senate to pass.  AND IT DID!  Oh my what next.....

Please keep your responses "respectful".....

“The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be ‘hidden’ from the consumer, but it’s been brought to the public’s attention by hunting and  fishing store Cabela’s who have refused to hide it and are showing it as a  separate line item tax on their receipts,” the email  states.

I did some research and  found directly from the IRS's website information that PROVES this to be true and an accurate portrayal of something hidden in Obamacare that I was not  aware of! Now being sceptical of this I went to the IRS website and  found this!

Q1. What is the medical device excise  tax?

A1. Section 4191 of the Internal Revenue Code imposes an excise

  tax on the sale of certain medical devices by the manufacturer or importer of  the device.

Q2. When does the tax go into effect?

A2. The tax  applies to sales of taxable medical devices after Dec. 31, 2012.

Q3.   How much is the tax?

A3. The tax is 2.3 percent of the sale price of  the taxable medical device. See Chapter 5 of IRS Publication 510, Excise Taxes, and Notice 2012-77 for additional information on the determination of  sale price.  Chapter Five  http://www.irs.gov/publications/p510/ch05.html

So being more curious I clicked on "Chapter 5 of IRS Publication 510" And WALLAH! What do I find under "MEDICAL DEVICES" under "MANUFACTURERS TAXES"?

Manufacturers Taxes The following discussion of manufacturers taxes applies to the tax on:
Sport fishing equipment; Fishing rods and fishing poles; Electric outboard motors; Fishing tackle boxes; Bows, quivers, broadheads, and points;
Arrow shafts; Coal; Taxable tires; Gas guzzler automobiles; and Vaccines.

I think we have definitely been fooled, if we believe that the
Affordable Care Act is all about health care. It truly does appear
to be nothing more than a bill laden with a whole lot of taxes that we the people have yet to be aware of! "



Edited by growalot
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WT! that is crazy, besides paying for protection of our natural resources now we are paying for everyone's health care when we purchase this stuff?  Great to steal from the hunters and fisherman but lets take away their guns too.  Wonder if they are trying to get us pissed off?  Crazy politicians figure they will get away with it, why not they have gotten away with taking our rights why not take our money too... 

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10% on fishing rods, reels, tackle, gaffs, guns, etc. etc. etc.


11% for bows


but hey we get an exemption for wooden arrows.




(Page 31-32)


Alright i might of jumped the gun on this one.


As usual don't believe everything you see.




I would dig some more but i got to get up in 4 hours.


DISCLAIMER: My statement above in no way implies my support for Barry - get him out and repeal Obamacare.

Edited by 5.9cummins
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Thanks ...I'll post that link on the other site for him and ...hhhmmm Mr.B bought a bunch of stuff from
Cabelas off line....He may want to check into any refunds due


Though I'll stick to my original assessment....and keep the phone # handy.....looks like a lot of taxes and fees are going to be passed along in lots of stuff.....

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