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City birds.


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So here i sit in the middle of Pittsburgh PA at my sister in laws. This morning we took the kids to the Pittsburgh Zoo which is about two miles from here. Driving down the road that cuts through the zoo i spot two tom's going at it just the other side of the chain link fence (not in the zoo). Looked more like the one was getting a whooping and he was just trying to find his way through the fence before the other killed him. We pull around into the parking lot and i can clearly see these two birds up against the fence at the top of the hill running back and forth. I sit there and watch them as we are getting the kids loaded up and we make our way into the zoo entrance.


Once we are in we take the escelator up the hill and i spot a couple hens on the way up. Once at the top of the hill i make my way over to the chain link fence about 50 yards from where i saw the birds. I see movement so i neal down with my 10 month old on my back and my three daughters standing next to me and start mouth yelping. The bird starts to close the gap and i start scratching the leaves and he quickens the pace. Then i realize he found his hole in the fence and is now on the other side from me. He comes in looking again for a place to get through the fence but there is none so he keeps strutting and gets close enough that i can hear / see him spitting and drumming. Finally he gets about 7-8 yards away and i do my best gobble (which i am sure sounded like a bird that had been shot) and he shock gobbles a couple times.


To top it off a kid and his girl friend come walking down the sidewalk on the birds side of the fence and look at me through the fence and say "is he supposed to be in the zoo? did he escape?" :bye:


The whole time there were people coming up the escleator and getting off watching me and the kids. I got some pretty funny looks when i walked back over to the main entrance area. :crazy:


I think im going shed hunting tommorow. Im feeling lucky. :D

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