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I wnat to know what happened to the Saudi guy that they had in custody at the hospital. One thing i saw said a bystander tackled him because he saw him doing aomething fishy. And that he was at the hospital being watched by security. And then the saudi air force one plane came and picked him up. Im not a a total disbeliever in the govt. but it wouldnt shock me if this was just pawned off on to radicals like these brothers to cover for some crazy terrorist Obama runs with.

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Hope they get him alive n hang him by his balls from the green monster!<br /><br />Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />


that would work for me as well but I've got a different form of justice in mind.


How about you hog tie convicted terrorists and publicly suspend them from a rope so that they are hanging in the air (very much alive) and their balls and genitals are hanging down lower than their other body parts.


next you slowly lower them into a vat of hot boiling oil and pause when their balls and genitals hit the burning oil. after their packages are fried to a crisp you can then finish the job and lower the rest of their soon to be corpse into the death pool. BTW, this should also be televised around the world. 


lastly you throw the fried radical jihadist Muslim tender into the hog pen.

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