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May 1st is so close I can smell it boys! This is your last week to figure out the who's who and the what's what of Toms in your areas. I'm not seeing nearly the number of birds on my farms that I have in past years unfortunately. In fact I have been religiously scouting the past few weeks and have only managed to track down one long beard!! He fly's down with a hen and jake every morning and makes his way to a large green field about 300 yards from the roost. I set up my blind Saturday evening in the field they fly down too, so I could get a better grasp on exactly what it is that they're doing. Got some pretty nice pics and thought I'd share one with ya.


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Awesome! One is better than none in my opinion. You never know another longbeard can slip in to the area any day. Keep your hopes up!


I will be in PA until April 30th and then making the trek up to camp that afternoon.


Just got a phone call last night from our friends. 3 toms hanging out right around camp! That def got the heart pumping last night!


Good Luck Whitetail Addict!

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numbers are wayyyy down. I thought it was a fluke or birds were off the property, but it's pretty clear numbers are down in my area. Gobbling is much shorter time length in the a.m. and the birds are just so far and few between.


I have limited hopes this year.

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I'm keeping my mouth shut! I got a nice big flock on my trail cam on my grounds right near our camp last month and my BIL confirmed it this past weekend. But I'm not saying anything . . . don't want to jinx them away . . .


Sh! Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm going to be hunting turkeys next week . . .

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