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dusting bowls...a hot spot?


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I have spent countless hours observing turkey behavior as they leave the roost. Generally, their first move is toward water; tom's first move will be toward hens, who are moving toward water. I have NEVER witnessed turkeys leaving the roost and going straight to a dusting site. My impression is that once the needs for water...food...and sex have been met, turkeys will dust whenever their travels take them to exposed dirt. Now, have I ever hunted over a dusting site?

Yep, when all else failed. Score? Nope!

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Early.... I wasn't saying your wrong...yep first thing is water ..no doubt...I just happen to have water near  all areas that they also feed in and dust at.. The hens water, dusting eating and then  sex...while the Toms hang out and wait...Then off to the nests


We have in most part...exception last year....silent birds so I really concentrate on what the hens are doing...just like deer season and doe...for when the hens like an area I'm sure to have Toms show up

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growalot...Couldn't agree with you more on hunting the hens and does: Where they are is where the toms and the bucks want to be. (I chuckle when I hear a deer hunter say, "I'm not hunting that are any more...only does and fawns there!" Hmmm...makes you wonder.)

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They have been hitting one area hard. Its right next to a pond. I saw all sorts of tracks mostly what appeared to be hen tracks and a few large tracks. Last weekend to scout and make my final decision on where to set up. Going to try and roost a bird on sunday just to see. Then tuesday night i hope to do the same thing in the same general area.

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