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Thing can be good...Daughter payed off her Honda and was looking for a new car...she has well over 100thou on a 5yr old car...Couldn't decide what to get...In the mean time Honda sent her an extended warranty on her engine  due to a class action Law suit....driving home from work all of a sudden the temp gauge shoots to red....she slows down and finds small edge of road..and makes some calls...she trys to start engine ...nothing...long short the engine blew/cracked....she got towed to the nearest Honda dealer...They are giving her a brand new engine...she know cars...told them to replace the timing chain and to put in a brand new clutch while the car was apart to avoid labor cost in future...Plus Honda is renewing the warranty at no cost again ...Basically for 500.00 she will have a brand new car...lol ..Thank heavens someone in this family has that kind of luck..

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Thats great ! Glad to see that Honda didn't leave her hanging.

Years ago I had a Chevy pick up. the tranny went 3K miles out of warranty. The dealer told me that the tranny modle was a bad design and that they had been replacing a bunch of them under warranty, and that GM ordered them to sent the bad units back to them so they could see why they were failing at such a high rate. But since mine was out of warranty.... The dealer pretty much told me "there's the door" (scum bags) I called GM & wrote to GM....same thing "screw you" It cost me $1200.00 that I didn't have. I just got married & bought a house. I had $500.00 left in my bank account. Had to borrow money from my father. Nice to see that a company will take care of a customer like that instead of acting like total pieces of you know what.


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Thanks Shawnhu..your rt that not all Hondas have the chains and not even all Civics do..but hers does...The replacement engine for this does not come with a chain...Believe me she is just as $$ and info anal as her Mom ;) ..Several phone calls checking out the estimate and several mechanic friends. Personally My concern was the water pump..which is in many cases a suggested replacement any time a chain or belt is replaced...but it was deemed unnecessary by all...


Yes Honda really does and she has had no problem with anything under the  warranty...The class action suit was due to some engine blocks cracking...so instead of recall on all they gave out the new warranties...This is why she is having problems buying a new vehicle...she wants more utility type but isn't sold on Honda  in that class ...She reminds me of a commercial about ppl looking to buy a utility car...Honda owners not wanting to change ..BUT...then saying "to bad Honda couldn't  get their act together" while test driving another make....



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I had the same thing happen but with my Dodge truck...only thing different was I took the truck in 2x's while under warranty and told them that there was something wrong with the transmission I could clearly hear it ..Documented as well....after the warranty lapsed...10days the tranny went...like you 1200.00 we didn't have at the time...Dodge refused to replace even though they knew they had tranny problems and this truck was having problems..Ya...a whole bunch of ppl found out what a nasty side I have..not that it did me any good  the ..@$#$$%^%^& :angry: 

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PS...One thing that she has always done with any dealership  after buying a new vehicle...and she does this with Dr's offices as well as the vets...and Wegmans meat departments....She takes them coffee and donuts or other little thank you for good service gifts....Some times she'll just pop in with out needing any thing and drop stuff off for staff...Wow does that work and in the long run save $$$ but lots of time as well.

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