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Soo good but soo wrong


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Scout scout scout!!!! Off season scouting has become sooo valuable to me in my young hunting career, and has led to multiple stand sites I never would have found by just looking at maps and watching deer movement while hunting. Every year my scouting becomes more and more productive as far as targeting bucks goes, but with great success comes great frustration. I have a spot that I found last year while scouting in march that had 20-30 rubs within a 30x30 yard square, and two separate rub lines that led into this cluster of rubs. I have not been able to get this spot off my mind this entire off-season and as the season slowly draws closer and im finishing hanging stands, this spot is eating me alive! To hunt this spot (which would be perfect on a south wind) from the property its on i would have to crash through the timber, blow my wind through two bedding areas that we have killed plenty of good deer out of, and walk right through a heavily traveled crick bottom. My only saving grace is to speak with a land owner who owns a field that would allow me to perfectly slip down the edge of his field right up into this stand. How many of you guys have faced this dilemma on a spot that you feel would be red hot? What did you do? 

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Ask permission and as long as there isn't anyone else that you could screw up I bet you you get it. Yea finding the best spot doesn't always mean a slam dunk. If all else fails you may have to leave earlier in the morning to get to your stand. Means being out there in the dark for an hour or so but worth it. Good luck it sounds good!

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Here's an image just to give you guys an idea. The green route is the route I'd take if given permission, the red route is the one id severely prefer not to take, and probably wont if i don't get permission. Blue rings are bedding areas and the yellow lines are the two converging rub lines that follow the edges of steep shale ridges.


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A lot of times I think spots are especially hot just for that reason. No way to get in without potentially blowing them out. I had a spot on LI that fits your description to a Tee. Eventually I gave up on it after running into too many hunters. It was hard enuf hunting these bucks without the added hunter issues. There was anothwer way in via a private nursery that would have been perfect. I asked the owner but he said no. Seems like its never easy...

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