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Dry Year


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Actually, not bad from an inventory perspective. Instead of setting a few cams on various parcels for the summer inventory, I focused most cams on two or three smaller parcels as they were relatively "new to us" hunting-wise. I knew that would result in fewer targets on cam, but I am getting confident in my post-season scouting and any glassing I do to the point I don't need cams to give the intel I generally know/need. Still, they do provide value in many contexts and I enjoy using them immensely. I'll return to the typical spread of cams on more parcels next summer. There's also a few notable typical 8 pt bucks missing I have pics of, but I can't remember what SD card they were on and I'm not searching through them again, ha.


Lots and lots of 2.5 year olds this summer, as well as the usually laundry list of 1.5s (fall speaking).


Interesting note, the bottom two pics are stills from vids in an old food plot that was planted in annuals two seasons ago and hasn't been touched since. Some re-seeding must have went on, because those bucks are eating what appear to be forage types that I planted.














Edited by phade
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