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Obama looking to skirt Congress on some gun control issues

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the Obama administration announced new steps Thursday on gun control, curbing the import of military surplus weapons...


...under the new policy, only museums and a few other entities like the government will be eligible to reimport military-grade firearms.




say goodby to the Mosin's and other old, but usable out-dated military arms from past conflicts if Obama gets his way.

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The man is in the second half of his term-limited tenure. He no longer has to worry about re-election. The only check that we ever had on him is past. He is free to run amok with impunity. And he seems to have the personality to take full advantage of that situation.

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It feels like he is starting year 7 already.


Circumventing the Constitution and Bill of Rights by Executive Order should be impeachment and automatic repeal of the illegal act.  But that is my view of things.


Hope he is persuaded to not to do the wrong thing.  How many instances of shootings are there with the M-1 Garand or M-1 carbine, or a Mosin-Nagent?  I can see disallowing RPG's and functioning full-auto machine guns, but older-to-antique bolt-actions, and 6-round semi-automatics?  Guess the venerable Colt 1911 and German Lugers  would be on the banned list too.


I do agree on stopping felons from getting a firearm because it is registered to a corporation and not the individual.  Isn't there be a law banning felons from working armed security jobs?



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