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Mornings or Afternoons?


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The referenced article in F&S is the "style" of hunting I practice and a few others here...like gjs4, moog, Sam Potter, and even WNYBuckhunter has talked to me about it and I believe he is incorporating the tactics into his hunts this season.


It's generally referenced as "beast" style hunting although not everyone refers to it as that.


If you want more info on it, pm me.

Edited by phade
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Every year I find these conversations funny...no disrespect in that...I'm out there every single day....Watching things unfold ...and I have to wonder did they  ship these deer in from some unknown research facility...because I'm not seeing what all the experts are saying ..ALL the time..


When the weather here gets cold ...those buck are up checking out new ground early mornings before the heat and bugs hit...finding spots they want to be...they aren't going to "bedding areas"...they are laying down next to big trees or along a ridge lines....maybe against a single old log along the way....unfortunately many times under a  tree stand....The doe are traveling their regular trails regardless of wind...unless being chased by a buck...dog...or yote....they are hanging around the house as soon as the woods get busy and not much caring about scent or dogs barking...they know they are fenced... ...they know my scent and could care less...some of my best stands are at the base of steep inclines...and I've had buck walk directly down hill to me both morning and afternoons...I have had 2x's this fall already doe stalk me...ya caught my scent and made a beeline toward me trying to find me...I had to literally craw to a dip in the land in order to avoid them catching me...I watch my back trail a lot for I've found both buck and doe tracking me...that's with out any special scents or stomping apples....


Now camp whole different world ..no one ever there except hunting season..I can't push over a weed that they don't know and run for the hills....any disturbance changes their patterns.... and you had best not smell or smell like wood smoke for you won't see anything unless it's running full tilt


The point is making general statements concerning deer behavior in so wide a geographic and diverse land scape just doesn't really work...You HAVE to get to know the deer in YOUR hunting area...


three constants can apply...they eat...they sleep and they breed...Just my experiences

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Nothing wrong with saying to know the deer and the ground you hunt on.


But, there are certain themes that generally span any neighborhood or environment. Deer are adaptable, but at the end of the day, it's still a deer. Those principles apply to deer, not the adapted "characteristics".



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I probably spend 2X as many afternoons hunting as mornings, as they're easier for me to get out, but tend to shoot most of my deer before 10AM.  Last year, early Oct doe shot at 830 am, on state land.  Early Nov buck shot at 900 AM on private land.  Last 3 years, have 7 deer shot, 5 of them before 10 AM and 2 after 3 PM.


Morning do seem to result in better hunts, and I don't miss the chance when I can get out, but afternoons are better than nothing

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