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I use to think that hanging a new stand or scouting before rain was a safe way to wash my scent from the woods.


After working with blood tracking dogs, I think I was fooling myself. I have seen dogs track a specific deer when there was no visible blood to go on. Rain washes it away and the dogs have gone in 24+ hours later and have made recoveries.


I saw a show that trains police and govt K9 dogs. Trainers take 5 different drugs and puts it in one package. Dog can smell each one of the 5 scents individually. Saved time by not having to train K9's 5 separate times for each scent.


Now, how in the hell am I going to fool a deer's nose?


I have had deer follow my trail/path that I took to my stand; one was nervous and proceeded with caution. I arrowed him. One was young and perhaps tolerable to human scent. I let him pass by.


I still take steps to reduce; or more correctly, cover up my scent. But I know if a deer gets downwind I will be busted.

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You can't beat their nose for sure but you can beat their brain! Doing your very best to manage the scent you produce can at least make them think you are farther away than you are than you really are.

I once had over 20 does and fawns downwind of me within 50 yards after the wind made a bad shift on me. There was no doubt the wind was hitting them directly in the face and I couldn't figure out for the life of me why they didn't blow out of there. Then I caught a whiff of why they weren't concerned: a house 300 yards upwind of me must have been running a load of clothes in the dryer because I could smell a really strong floral laundry detergent scent. It dawned on me that the deer were probably used to smelling a little human when the wind blew from that particular direction. Had this been in the big woods of the Adirondacks it would have been a whole different story...

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