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Anyone else NOT seeing any buck sign so far????


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was up at my camp on opening week...not much in the way of buck sign a few rubs here and there and a couple of scrapes....headed back up there on Monday 1 nov.  and boy the bucks were busy the last week of Oct.  rubs all over the place and alot more scrapes showing up....hunted Mon through thursday  saw lots of deer a couple small bucks...did have one buck running a doe, saw her but couldnt lay eyes on him could only here him chasing behind her...I did notice a ton of dead deer on the way up....activity is definly picking up...im sure next week they should start seeking/chasing prety heavy

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Ive been seeing buck sign since the season began.  I have passed shots at at least four small bucks and have seen 3 other small bucks that I couldnt have shot.  I have only had a chance at one doe and didnt take it because it was a fawn.  I havent seen alot of deer considering how many times Ive been out. But Ive actually seen more bucks than does so far.

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Sam i agree I've been seeing way more bucks then does. I've been out I don't know 12 times or more and I've seen bucks almost every time,one morning 6 bucks ! I think the whole time I've seen maybe 8 does .

Lets see what tomorrow brings !

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Was out most of the day today Larry. Set up a ground blind near some cedars to get out of the rain for a while. The cedar trees are tore up with rubs. Ill stay away from there now for about a week so they get used to it.

Sat in a tree the last 2 hours. Saw 7 deer total today.  Couldnt tell what some were but 5 were definite does.  The most Ive seen all season. 

tough day to stay still once your wet.

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Went out Friday in the rain....saw 3 that I couldn't tell what they were, but had a huge 6 come right under me and hang out for a few mins (came in to a grunt). Went out this morning and saw 3. 1st one i couldn't tell what it was but its nose was down and it was movin....the 2nd was a buck that was outside the ears (only saw the back of him so can't tell you what he was).. the 3rd was a wide eight with small tines....but i was going to take him. He came running into a few grunts...saw him at 150yards out an could see the horns, came all the way in to 26 yards but offered no shot. The wind swirled and he was gone...son of a!!! But they are moving down south by me. Get out in the woods boys!!

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i have the same thing going on in 3k tons of good rubs but no scrapes little pre rut last tuesday had some chasing going on but hunted hard saturday and sunday i had a bear about 150yards wounded some limping through the woods and a real nice 4 point out past its ears with tall tines  and only seen one doe that night sunday morning had a smoker 8 or 10 about 100 yards behind me didnt respond to the grunt or the tinks snort weezed stopped him but he just walked off sunday afternoon had an old scrape locations from last year get cleaned out and branches raked so its coming cant wait i go 4 day weekend and the weather looks great


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