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50/50 on events...


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So I will tell this tale ...yesterday i took a 33 yrd shot on a doe...she came  in at 4:40 alone and way behind all the others that entered the field earlier...there were 2 shot openings and I drew well in advance...they NORMALLY stop before crossing the path so I was holding there and ready..but No she bolts and I turn to get set on the other opening...were she stopped to size up deer in field...I aimed above her heart and watched the arrow fly ...she bucked back and then struggled in the brush...I thought I caught a glimpse of the  wht vane at her heart...waited to see her run into the field and listened...nothing! no running...all other deer had taken off across the field...no crashing..I thought dang shes dead right there...wait 20 min....no arrow...no blood no deer..went home and made dinner did dishes watched the tube...thinking ...what did I really see?..is the arrow lost in the leaf cover?


9pm I grabbed the head lamp and went back out...tracked and back track what I saw and 30 yrds from the shot is lots of blood a trail that arced and circled right back to the path she took to me....it was lots of blood then trickling then lots ..ect ect...and 150 yrds into it I loose the trail...I'm now duck walking trying to find even a spec...when I realize Mr B. is calling out to me......I turned out my lamp and realize I don't recognizes any lights in the distance...and I now can.t see my own trail...totally turned around and lost ...where did this gully come from!!!!...well 34yrs the man knows me well...he hauled out the halogen construction lights...lol....so home I went...


Got up went hunting...very cold and I need the sun to get bright enough to see...8:30 and I'm back at it...picked up trail went another 50 yrds and there is the arrow...pic shows it's condition...another 20 yrds and up she pops runs a few yrds then stops and I can see the torn wound under her heart area...the arrow hit low and slid in to the muscle over her breast plate under the hide...and stuck? why it didn't pass through I do not know  but she ran off tail up to my surprise...and my thanking God..that it is a heal-able wound in these cold temps...I feel bad../but good  about the results thus 50/50



Edited by growalot
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it looks like it got into her pretty good... you can clearly see the white hair and some good meat on there. if she makes it she will be hurting pretty good for awhile. hope she comes in another day and gives you a chance to finish the job.



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