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Bow or Smokepole

Meat Manager

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Took the stick and string out for a sit this mornin...seen zero...got about 6 hunts left in NY for 2013 before I turn my attention to NJ over Xmas.

Then it's Dmfa for January and NJ for February...feels like mid season!

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After not seeing anything late season I finally had two smallish doe in bow range yesterday AM but chose not to blast one with the ML.

Decided overnight I'd have taken her with the bow so I'm finishing off the season with stick and string.

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Thanks...I love everything about snow harvests...eating some tenderloin on potato roll sandwiches now!

Here was a bit of a review I did after I got my 4th deer with the rage this season, my mature 8 pt: http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?/topic/19672-Rage-2-Blade-Entry-Wounds/page__view__findpost__p__254182

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