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Official Officially Scored Buck Score/Age Estimation Thread


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So, we've all been having fun guessing the score and age of live deer on the hoof, but unless someone gets their hands on the deer there's no way to know how close anyone came. This thread is for anyone to post their bucks that have been officially aged and scored for a record book (ok, maybe we can bend the rules a little to allow self-measured bucks if the poster is confident they are doing it correctly). Post picture(s) of your buck(s), give the buck a sequential number, and then let everyone guess at the score and age. After 5 days, post up the actual measurements, score, and age. The focus is primarily on gross score but include net if you want to. Get as elaborate as you want with your score estimate (g1, g2, etc...). When revealing the actual age please label what method was used, i.e. tooth wear, cementum annuli. 

Have some fun- I think we all can benefit.


P.S. I'm sure a lot of the bucks that will be posted have been on HNY before so don't cheat!


P.P.S For the moderators: Is there a way to go back edit the post with the buck's picture after 5 days so that the age and score can be included on the original post so that after awhile this looks like a reference guide more or less?

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OK, heres my only one I've had officially scored. He's the one in the middle on the group pic. He has 14 scoreable points. See if you can find em all and give your best guess to gross score. I've already posted his net score on here so even if you remember that, I never gave a gross score. Never had him aged but taxidermist said at least 4.5, but I coulda already guessed that!





Edited by Arrow Flinger
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Can I take a guess on buck #2 :spiteful: Buck #1 I guess 122 3/8  3.5 yrs.


Buck #3 I had posted a gross score already that wasn't official and just had him scored officially on this past Sunday. IDK age yet. Waiting to get jaw bone back to send out. 11 scored points. split g2 on the left side.



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Can I take a guess on buck #2 :spiteful: Buck #1 I guess 122 3/8  3.5 yrs.


Buck #3 I had posted a gross score already that wasn't official and just had him scored officially on this past Sunday. IDK age yet. Waiting to get jaw bone back to send out. 11 scored points. split g2 on the left side.


Aren't you and arrowflinger brothers or something? Your guess has to include each individual measurement....


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mmmmmmmmm......Pizza!!! Now that's a Birthday dinner!


We were going to go to tassones, but the food has been so bad the last few times we've been there. I opted to go with the ole faithful. Really sucks! I used to love eating there. I new I was always going to get a good meal.

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