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First Plots

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  On 6/15/2014 at 11:32 PM, Berniez said:

If you are going to plant native warm season grasses you might want to roundup the field and get it ready for next year. Switchgrass and bluestem both need ground (dirt) not just mowed or dead sod in order to grow. You can get a great field of warm season native grasses the year following a field of corn (escpecially) if atrazine was used. I have one 6 acre switchgrass field (Blackwell variety) and another 3 long 10-15 yard strips about 500ft long. THe big field holds bacehelor buck groups in ths summer and use all the others as travel lanes allyear long. The grass is over 6 ft tall and the deer can walk in it unobserved. If you plant a 6-10 ft wide strips of clover along the edge of the grass the deer travel that and if disturbed can vanish in the grass in a flash.

Good luck and keep planting.

I just got my last been field (2acres) in this afternoon. I could not get the planter in the field so I had to broadcast and then covered it with a tined harrow.(Much more time consuming and expensive than using a planter but we do what we can with what we got.. EWHo knows if it stops raining we may actually get some crops. We shall see what happens.

BTW Happy Fathers day to all you out there. Enjoy the day and the kids they kind of give you something to do iin between the hunting seasons

Thanks for the good info...I've been spraying and cultivating to prep all the plots in advance of plantings, gonna do the same for the cover plot.

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Almost nothing but constant daylight action on this week old 1/2 mowed 1/2 planted Diamond plot...all hours and all comers big and small:



I may head over and spray that chunk that the farmer brush hogged for me and check on the other plots.

I've been busy working on my "lake plot" aka my house.

Refinished the frontage:



Made way for wrap around counter/shelves in the breakfast nook:


Cleaned up the sun room and moved the dining room table into there:


This am I did some hard work fishing (about a dozen assorted panfish will be lunch):


Now I'm just tapatalkin away and enjoying this beautiful summer weekend:


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See a lot of your action is coming from the far side of the plot. Any temptation to move that cam there?

We can discuss it at the end of the dock when you come back to pick me up. I'll bring a cooler to sit on!

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  On 6/22/2014 at 1:57 PM, wooly said:

See a lot of your action is coming from the far side of the plot. Any temptation to move that cam there?

We can discuss it at the end of the dock when you come back to pick me up. I'll bring a cooler to sit on!

I got a bunch right in front of the cam as well (I pulled the cards I'll post some good ones)...anytime you are on otisco stop by and reveal some of your tricks for up close wild life encounters!

I have the cams there because they are facing NNW and also have a good amount of shade during otherwise direct sun periods...they are also right by my ground blind so it's a familiar view (cams are on tree on far left):


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I did head over to the lease and got some stuff done.

Sprayed the little plot the farmer freshly brushogged for me...still not positive what I'm planting there:


Covered last weeks planted rows with buckwheat trimmings I raked off of the mowed strips...got some good new sprouts in the planted rows despite the lack of rain:


Tilled the remaining mowed rows...deep rich and loamy soil:


Broadcasted with WGF Sorghum, FM Peas, Soybeans, Annual Clovers and a little Buckwheat:



Covered by raking...I really hope we get every little bit of rain they are calling for over the next month...and they aren't calling for much:


I also checked on the lush buckwheat and peas on the Boomerang Plot:


I'll be tilling the Boomerang under before it goes to seed but I don't want to plant my Turnips, Beets and Oats until later into July, hopefully with some rain:

Finally I took a stroll down the Logging Trail plot I planted in mid-April...glad I did it's dark in there all day now:


Lots of work done, time for a rain dance!

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Got out this morning and did some chores at the lease in anticipation of some potential precipitation:

I was gonna till the boomerang plot, but when I got there I noticed first that the buckwheat had started to go to seed:


No big deal I was gonna put a little buckwheat in the mix anyway for weed suppression, instead I'm just leaving the volunteers.

Also I hit it with fertilizer so no big deal on the nutrient loss to the seeds.

Second thing I noticed was the clovers I had overseeded the Boomerang with in the spring were really strong even under the thick buckwheat:



So I decided to just overseed the plot with my BF Oats, PT Turnips, Sugar Beets and a pinch of Alyce and Crimson Clovers and some 13-13-13:


Then I mowed with my Stihl trimmer leaving the trimmings as mulch/seed cover:




Then I went to the Diamond plot to change batteries/cards and check on the Milo, beans, peas and clovers:




Doing a rain dance now before I start a non-stop week long bathroom build here at home...I'm hoping for some luck on both fronts.

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As my plots received a little moisture...Bathroom project day 2, finished three walls of the framing:


Framed and notched shower platform, dry plumbed and dry fitted shower base:



Applied 100 lbs leveling compound to deal with some surface irregularities:



Tomorrow frame ceiling nailers, install fan/light and Sheetrock the ceiling.

Then tile the floor, then finish the shower framing and then install the shower.

In the meantime I'll take some more rain.

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Plot, bathroom and fawn progress:

The Diamond Plot is growing strong and attracting lots of visitors:



Floor, plumbing/sanibest, fan/light, electric, ceiling and shower are installed:


I call him Augustus because he already has a roman nose:


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