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x-bow fall turkey hunting...


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So I'm a guy that uses public land in the Southern Zone...I deer bow hunt and now want to x-bow hunt fall turkey...but turkey season starts Oct 18th ...during reg bow season and ends Nov 14th....I'm sitting out there with turkey calls and what not when a CO shows up...how does he handle this? what or how can I prove I'm not hunting deer seeing I have a valid bow tag?


Or better yet I'm on my own land and the bow hunter next door sees me with a x-bow or just hears a cross bow go off..sound scares deer and he see them running...then calls it in ..If I missed the turkey how do I prove I was turkey hunting or for that matter small game?...hhhmmmm

Edited by growalot
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I suppose...it does set up nuisance calls for bow hunters still peeved about x-bows going in...some ppl can't let it go..... lol

Me, I won't worry, from past kill dates I hope to have a nice buck on the ground by then...and be out enjoying a turkey hunt....here's to hoping...

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So How many plan to try fall turkey with cross bow this year?...I can hardly wait..now I'm seeing lots of poults and hens..not to mention a bunch of jakes I will put the time in for a fall hunt...never liked the idea of taking the shot gun out during bow...especially if I'd seen some good buck but not gotten a shot...I always have my doe down by then..

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I was looking forward to taking a crossbow class and  don't like how State or DEC slammed crossbow back into the state hunting seasons without the proper training and reintroduction of them, as they did in the first. The DEC. should have been apprised of this situation, and taken steps to amend it.  I am very disappointed and feel the state let myself, as well as all crossbow hunters down.  I feel that I want to retake the bow class just to go through the crossbow part of the coarse. I talked to a local class bow instructor and he feels that in the classroom training, their is not enough emphasis even put on the crossbow part of the coarse. I would just be taking a spot, that a young'in would fill. He agreed that the state feel far short on crossbow training. I feel as though hunting with a crossbow would be going against  my moral values, as well as my safety side for hunting.


This leads me to my decision whether or not to take a crossbow afield, this season.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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Your enjoyment. just because they got bow classes wrong doesn't mean people shouldn't enjoy em

My comment was solely based on "my decision" and my decision only,  whether to take a crossbow afield. 

It, in no way, shape, or form affects any other people.season!


The safety aspect however, affects every person afield during the crossbow hunting season!

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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