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Early Bow - Jefferson / Oswego County


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So this will be my second year out, had a blast last year and wondering if taking the trip up state for early bow would be worth it. Last year I blew a week of vacation time on the first week of bow and realized half way through the season I should have taken it during the rut. (live and learn)


so this year Im not taking any major time off right away but want to get an early start and figure heading upstate for early bow would be cool (last years tags I believe).


Used the DEC forecast to choose my best bet which looks like 6G but im wondering if its worth it for just two days of hunting and no scouting.


My plan is to pick one of the state forests in the area (nothing to big since I dot have much time ) , show up early AM Friday, sleep a few hours in the car and get up Saturday and mostly stalk/scout the morning walking whatever game trails I find then setup my treestand for a night sit. sit the same spot I setup my stand in the AM / rinse and repeat for sunday. either way I know I will learn something but with deer being in their summer patterns will that help my chances or hurt em?


bucks should still be in velvet and in bachelor groups from what I have been reading which should make hunting them a bit easier but since I wont be seeing rubs, sign I would be looking for would be confined to scat and finding heavily used trails to set up on correct?


Thanks for any help cant wait to get out there and scratch that itch



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Did you ever consider hunting on Fort Drum? My farm is across the road from the military base and things are looking very good this year. There will be no bucks in velvet that late in September around here. You will be using last years tags so it should be a go for buck or doe! Our side of the road is 6G and across the road is 6H.  You will have to sign in and also complete a shooting test with your bow before you can hunt off the ground!

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Bucks will most likely be out of velvet.I really like hunting the early season because deer are fairly easy to pattern.Still on summer patters/food patterns and haven't had hunting pressure so you get a little more slack.Not sure if I would take the first week over that rut but I hunt like mad all year and you wont see me not in the woods the first week I guarantee you!!!

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What does the shooting test consist of .... ? I realize it would be for accuracy but what distances and what kind of accuracy . I don't plan on doing it but I have always been curious as to what the test results have to be .

Last time i did it they had you up on a huge platform they use for military training, set life size targets at 10 to 50 yards. You get 5 arrows and your choice of target but only 1 arrow per target. You must put at least 3 arrows out of the 5 shots into the sweet spot.


They dont tell ya how high up you are. About 20 feet i would guess  You would be shocked to see how many strike out. Best part is they didnt make ya test if ya hunted from the ground. lol   

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Bah. Cant do fort drum. Only active duty and retired personnel. Gonna check ot happy and lakeview via topo and google earth.

I live six hours away and only spendin 3 maaaaybe 4 days there if things look good. One of those days is for scoutin. Thanks for the input thusfar. Very helpful. Got a good feeling i will bag my first this year.

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Bah. Cant do fort drum. Only active duty and retired personnel. Gonna check ot happy and lakeview via topo and google earth.

I live six hours away and only spendin 3 maaaaybe 4 days there if things look good. One of those days is for scoutin. Thanks for the input thusfar. Very helpful. Got a good feeling i will bag my first this year.

You only need to be active or retired to hunt the cantonment area. That area is behind fence and has some housing in there. There is like another 60 thousand acres that are open to the public. I could hook you up around the area across from our farm. Bed to food every day. Only a lightly traveled road separates 700 acres of corn and beans from the land of Ft Drum!

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