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jr bow hunter questions.


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My son passed his archery safety class last night. Just have a few questions to make sure I am understanding the regs right.

1. It says jr bow hunters must be accompanied by an adult hunter. My son just purchased a ground blind to hunt. Does this mean I have to sit with him or can I get him settled and head to my treestand?

2. He can apply for a dmp but I believe I read a jr bow hunter can not sign over there dmp's. Is this correct? I have been looking through the dec website a couple times and have not been able to find where I read that so am just curious.

Thanks for any info.

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  • Adult mentor must maintain physical control over the junior hunter at all times while hunting. This means the mentor and junior hunter must be close enough to talk without the aid of a radio and must be able to see each other.

So I guess if your tree stand is close enough (within 20 or so yards so you can talk)

As for the DMP-

  • Junior Bowhunters may use DMPs during the special archery seasons and during the regular season.

Hunters may transfer or receive up to 2 DMPs from other hunters (see Consignment of Deer Management Permits for instructions).


  • You must be 14 years or older with a regular big game hunting license. Junior bowhunters who are 12 years or older with a junior bowhunting license may also apply.

I didn't see anything that stated they can't transfer a DMP. I think you are ok on that.

Enjoy the hunt. I did this for many years, seeing a kid wide eyed in the woods is great-seeing a kid get their first deer is wonderful. Something you will never forget. It was really great hanging two stands in one tree. I was able to guide the jr hunter through different situations. 

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