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The Safe Act is killing jobs, but adding NRA members. Seems nobody cared until NY came for them too.

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I disagree.  Poor excuse for not becoming a member and showing elected officials we care about gun rights.


If the number of NRA members in NY were high enough years ago, there would be many more informed gun owners who might not have elected the people who rammed the Safe Act through in the first place.


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The point is that there would be a whole different attitude among legislators if we were able to demonstrate the importance of 2nd Amendment issues by overwhelmingly being members of the largest gun advocacy group. As it turned out, it appears that those legislators who voted for the Safe Act (be it in a clandestine fashion or not) would have known by the sheer numbers that they were committing political suicide. However, it appears that they did their homework and saw that only a very tiny percent of the gun owners have seen fit to join any activist group. That speaks volumes to a candidate. It may very well turn out that gun owners do not have the courage of their convictions. Or more accurately, have no real convictions at all when it comes to those who trample the 2nd Amendment. And that was the signpost that legislators saw when they felt they could get away with cramming the Safe Act through.


This upcoming election may just prove that they read it all correctly. We cannot organize. Legislators now know that. When their gamble is proven to have been a wise assessment of the gun owners, get ready for a massive crush of new gun legislation that may very well reach well into weapons that everyone considered sacred hunting weapons.

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I disagree,they did it all in the dark of the night and pulled the wool over our eyes.

They used a slimy but apparently legal tactic on a group of constituents that they determined were not really dedicated to the principles of the 2nd Amendment. If they had not firmly believed that we are a disorganized harmless bunch of people who will cave at the polls, they never would have had the stones to use that underhanded tactic. But all they had to do was to look at the membership of the gun advocacy organizations, do a bit of arithmetic, and the numbers laid it all out for them.

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Not much we can do when our elected officials are bought off with tax payer money to become one of Andys puppets.

Sure there is. If we can convince them that their political survival is hooked to proper respect for the 2nd Amendment. Of course that is not accomplished by backing away from all political action groups that lobby on our behalf.

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