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Is this serious?


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I saw an advertisement for that on the outdoor channel about an hour ago (gotta do something to pass the time while I watch the newborn). The concept sounds kinda cool but in use it doesn't make sense. I'm sure the poachers love them. You'd still need to make a good shot on vitals so why not just use a broadhead or a gun?

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If you see the test and reviews, it's not that great or effective. A lot of times, the round doesn't go off and when it does, there isn't enough strength in the casing to support to pressure form the bullet. As a result, the explosion goes outward and a lot of energy is lost. I think it'll great a large external flesh wound. The bullet still retains enough energy to effectively penetrate. Not as much as being fired from a gun of course. Still, that is if it goes off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Waste of money.  It doesn't work because it isn't fired from any type of rifle barrel.  Therefore it achieves no velocity on impact. It's a pure gimmick!


Watched a video on the net about it.  They don't do anything to a target.  A broad head is much more effective.


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