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6K tag needed


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My nephew is missing the youth hunt this year because his birthday is the day before the northertier opener.I would love to get a 6K tag for him to use when we hunt up north.I don't have a doe tag to trade and I know i cant buy the tag legally.If someone has one they dont want or wont use please let me know,it would make a great kid very very happy!!!

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He cant hunt the youth hunt next weekend because he turns 14 on the day before rifle opens in the north.I am taking him to camp and thats why I am hoping for a 6K tag.He will be using his grandfathers old rifle,his grandfather brought me into hunting so this hunt is very special for me also and want to do anything I can to get a deer in front of him.I know thats it is a long shot for someone to give up there 6K tag because they are very hard to get.Just figured I would ask.Thanks

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