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Locating turkey flocks


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Any advice in locating a fall flock? I've spent way to many days trying to find a flock, I've found scratchings scat and a few feathers but no turkeys. Only a lone Tom on the trail cam. There is plenty of mast and some fields near by. I can't seem to figure out where everyone went!

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Locating birds may be an issue this year because of an abundance of acorns..

Do you bowhunt and have buddies that bowhunt ?

Fall birds often make a lot of noise flying down in the morning and up in the evening..Many times I have been clued into roosting areas because friends who were bowhunting heard the birds..

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One thing that I've noticed is that once they get into their fall and winter flocks, they use the same pattern of places to feed and walk, about every three days, sometimes less. If you see fresh sign, say 45 minutes after they left, just go there the next three days 2 hours earlier than you did before and I guarantee you will see some turkeys. They tend to roost in the same trees every night if they are comfortable and not pressured. Find that area and you're set. If you're having trouble finding their roosting sight, just remember, anywhere where there is a lot of acorns, they won't be far, especially if you've seen sign. Hope this helps

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