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scrape and tree stand location


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Ok so I'm looking for some thoughts here. I've got an area that I have hunted for 20+ years behind my uncles house. For the last few years there has been talk of building houses back there. Well in the last few months they have cleared 1/2 the wood lot leaving a parcel in the back of the field that is owned by someone else and will not be cleared. We are in the process of building a house so I was not planning on hunting until the weekend of the 25th since we will be moving this weekend. But when I got out of work sunday morning it was to nice to pass up so I stopped at my uncles, threw my stuff on and headed to my spot. I only had about an hour and a half to 2 hours to hunt since I had to be back to work late Sunday afternoon so I didn't bring my climber I just went to the tree I usually use. I am about 30 yards into the woods from the back of the field. There are 2 rows of pine trees about 15 and 25 yds in that run parallel to the field edge and run the whole length of the field. Since I went in at dark I didn't see it til I was on my way out but there is a good size scrape less than 10 feet from the tree I have used for my climber for over 10 years. My question is, would you try to find another tree or would you take a chance and just hunt from that tree being so close? I'm going to try and get a trail cam up this week over looking scrape if I get a chance. Just hate to have to try to find a good tree in the dark plus worry about shooting lanes and doing cutting this late in the season. Any thoughts? Again I won't be hunting this spot for at least a week and a half and might only be able to get out once or twice a weekend for the remainder of bow season.

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Yeah, the less disturbance the better imo. You are timed just right for some action as they open it up. Pop in, don't leave scent...pop out. Too close and too late for trimming unless you get lucky. You'll just spook the big boys and old girls away...and they are the ones you want hitting that scape.

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