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Shotgun Usage in Westchester County for Small Game


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I called the DEC and yes I can use the shotgun, now I just need to find a spot to hunt!



not too many farmers left.  3 or 4 orchards in North Salem.  1 in Yorktown ( I think).  large horse farms and other large land owners in NS.  but real hard to get access.  Orchards are you're best option

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I would like to go Coyote hunting in westchester and read the dec regulations, the way I read it you can hunt for fur bearing critters with a shot gun as long as you are 500' from dwelling. An when I went to the sports shop they said you cannot hunt with a gun in westchester?

Which sports shop?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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it was The sports shop in Buchanan, in their defense they were youngsters and they did tell me to call DEC which I did and the DEC confirmed that you can hunt in westchester with a shotgun.  My next problem, I went to visit the local farmer he was all for me hunting Coyotes but was concerned with his neighbors, they actually make his life miserable on a regular basis so I am waiting to hear back from him if I can hunt on his property.

and one last question,or two does any one know of anyone buying pelts? and any advice for leads on a hunting area?


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it was The sports shop in Buchanan, in their defense they were youngsters and they did tell me to call DEC which I did and the DEC confirmed that you can hunt in westchester with a shotgun.  My next problem, I went to visit the local farmer he was all for me hunting Coyotes but was concerned with his neighbors, they actually make his life miserable on a regular basis so I am waiting to hear back from him if I can hunt on his property.

and one last question,or two does any one know of anyone buying pelts? and any advice for leads on a hunting area?



I'm always skeptical of getting legal advice from sport shops (especially large chains) unless I know the person.  Often, these shops will hire an assistant to help out in the store but they are not required to be all that knowledgeable about the laws.  There are some shops I go to enough and I talk to them enough to know that they know what they're talking about.

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Hunted deer season in westchester and heard shots every now and again. Didnt think u could at the time but i know for sure some of the land i was on was bow only and onxe saw a guy puttin his firearm away. Kinda ticked me off a little cause i hunt westchester to get away from the gun season.

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Hunted deer season in westchester and heard shots every now and again. Didnt think u could at the time but i know for sure some of the land i was on was bow only and onxe saw a guy puttin his firearm away. Kinda ticked me off a little cause i hunt westchester to get away from the gun season.

Guns are allowed in 3S. Some properties do not allow them, but that's how most hunt small game in 3S.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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