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Why People Hate Hunters?


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right, do people hate Dr.'s, Teachers and Priests because a few have made the News doing heinous things?..........I don't think so, I like to think that the majority of people are smart enough to separate them from the rest of the group they are part of, But, then again there are those who hate no matter what the reason and or will take one incident and that's what they use to fuel their anger.


you are giving the youth of the world too much credit. There was a story on facebook thats going around about the killing of dolphins in a small town. If you read the comments it'd blow your mind. The article portrays them as endangered and killed for fun, when in fact they are not endangered and the small town eats and uses almost all the animal to survive the winters.



Jim Shockey's daughter killed a nice bear. People want her dead. Some even said she should kill her dog... makes sense right?



The internet/social media world that we live in is full of misinformation and ignorance. DO NOT believe that people are smart enough to make a good decision. The anti-hunting crowd has sunk millions into web campaigns. It's no different than the ignorance regarding gun laws. Money will persuade the sheeps.


And I wouldn't let priests off the hook. Religion has steadily declined in this country and molesting little boys isn't helping.


To continue to defend the bad apples in our sport by ridiculing those like myself whose only intent is to self-police and preserve the sport we love is baffling to me. I condemn reckless and slob hunting and I'm hung out to dry? good lord...

Edited by Belo
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you are giving the youth of the world too much credit. There was a story on facebook thats going around about the killing of dolphins in a small town. If you read the comments it'd blow your mind. The article portrays them as endangered and killed for fun, when in fact they are not endangered and the small town eats and uses almost all the animal to survive the winters. Jim Shockey's daughter killed a nice bear. People want her dead. Some even said she should kill her dog... makes sense right?


The internet/social media world that we live in is full of misinformation and ignorance. DO NOT believe that people are smart enough to make a good decision. The anti-hunting crowd has sunk millions into web campaigns. It's no different than the ignorance regarding gun laws. Money will persuade the sheeps.


And I wouldn't let priests off the hook. Religion has steadily declined in this country and molesting little boys isn't helping.

oh, I was more or less speculating.........I'd rather not offend anyone with my thoughts on the Church.....and believe me, I spend way too much time dealing with the general public to doubt the amount of ignorant people out there.

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The problem is the media is also a big factor is making hunters look bad. I remember a few years ago there was an incident in cny.  a guy was trying to hunt and there was another guy following him around banging two pots together.  This was before hunter harassment laws.  well the hunter guy got fed up and popped the fool in the mouth.  of course it was recorded.  guess which part of the film got on the news.  Yup the hunter popping the other guy.  They publish the poor deer hanging in the tree letters until people stop hanging deer in trees.  They also publish every incident which is news.  But did you ever see them publish about how many safe hunters there are?  Oh hell no.  Rather than keep changing our standards to conform to the antis we should just once stand up for what we believe in.  As long as we let them dictate what we do, sooner or later they will dictate us out of the sport. We can all have our opinions of how other hunters should be, and that is fine.  But it is tough to sit on the high horse and say how others should be when we admittedly break the stupid rules for our own benefit.  One gets a ticket, and it ends up in the paper.  Practice what we preach and do it right.  Regardless of how I hunt or anyone else , we are all in the sport.  If we do not stick together, we will lose it.

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