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What if deer hunting was made as easy as possible?


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What if hunting could be made easier? What if you were certain that you would harvest a nice wall-hanger buck every season. What if you developed a fool-proof system of deer hunting? Let's say that someone invented a real scent proof clothing system, and you developed a property that was highly managed so that you could guarantee several encounters per season with gigantic bucks. Let's also say that the animals were somewhat conditioned to not be quite so alarmed by your presence. Let's also assume that you were allowed to used simpler weapons to shoot that were not quite so physically and mentally demanding at a time where the deer you were hunting were not spooked out of their minds like our usual gun seasons. Or maybe you were the first one allowed to rifle hunt an area that was previously bow only. Or perhaps you went on a guaranteed guided deer hunt where the scouting had already been done by the guide and stands were picked out for you and the herd consisted of guaranteed monster bucks.

Would you still enjoy the hunt? What elements of the hunt if any would you miss the most if they were removed from your hunting? would easy hunting be as interesting and satisfying as the more challenging hunts that most hunters are familiar with?

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