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Australia's Full Gun Ban

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Thanks Elmo,  Good point.  I found an interesting open letter to Obama from Australian Nick Adams, 




Dear Mr. President,

You recently hailed “Australian gun laws”.

In doing so:

you praised a government for forcefully removing all semi-automatic firearms from its populace,
you admired the banning and confiscation of guns.

We expect to hear that from a European leader. But not you.

You’re the leader of America:

the world’s first free country,
the nation that has inspired many to be free,
that has protected the freedom of others,
that has spread more freedom than any other.

I am an Australian and I must set the record straight.

The “success” of the 1996 Australian gun reform is a myth.

The only thing achieved was to take away the guns of the law-abiding, leaving only the criminals armed. Is this what you wish for America?

In Australia, if a citizen has firearms, the police have a right to search their property without a warrant any time. Does that sound like America?

The laws you praise outlawed the Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun that my father played with as a child. Now you need a special permit, gun safe and serial number.

For what?

There are just as many guns on the street today. Gun crime is no lower. In Australia, mass shootings have been a rare event. If strict gun laws mean no massacres, explain Britain’s

Cumbria shootings, Monkseaton and Dunblane. Or Anders Breivik of Norway?

Gun laws achieve very little.

Mass shootings are about illness, not guns. Any other so-called “gun issue”, if there are any, is related to the breakdown of the family, cultural decline and the age of entitlement.

The Second Amendment defines American exceptionalism. It speaks to the character of America, and reflects why America is America.

Civilian disarmament is based on the assumption that people are irresponsible (unless they work for the government). America was founded on the opposite premise.

Don’t make America a namby-pamby society.

The right to bear arms is not wrong nor unnecessary. It is:

the greatest test of genuine freedom,
the best protection of you, your family and your property,
the ultimate deterrent against government overreach.

The Constitutional right to bear arms is pivotal. The American idea is a value system. If you take away the guns of America, you take away America.

Mr. President, your country is the one the world relies on. Right now, it is at a tipping point.

Forget guns.

Focus on: ending the waste, paying back the debt, limiting the government and axing political correctness. That’s how you’ll get America to boomerang.

Your country is the greatest in the world, and respectfully, Sir, you should stop apologizing for it. Keep it up, and America will be just another European state. And that’s not good for anyone.

Yours Sincerely,

Nick Adams


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Nope. A DHS funded report from the University of Maryland listed Constitutionalists and Tax protestors ('sovereign citizens') above Jihadists, as the biggest threat to the US.


Those are perceived threats and knowing how many whack jobs are out there it doesn't surprise me. Remember terrorism is a pretty encompassing term. Burning down a store could be terrorism and it happens a lot. I heard the ferguson protestors referred to as terrorists. Edited by Belo
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Nope. A DHS funded report from the University of Maryland listed Constitutionalists and Tax protestors ('sovereign citizens') above Jihadists, as the biggest threat to the US.





Those are perceived threats and knowing how many whack jobs are out there it doesn't surprise me. Remember terrorism is a pretty encompassing term. Burning down a store could be terrorism and it happens a lot. I heard the ferguson protestors referred to as terrorists.

In all fairness, "animal rights" extremeists weren't too far down the list either.


Some of those "whack jobs" Beto mentioned are the "domestic enemies of the state" the 2nd Amendment was intended for.


Me personally, I wouldn't lose a minutes sleep if the $hit hit the fan & I had to off some idiots like those that were at the Bundy ranch or their ilk.

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I see.  The government is your friend.  Obey.

The fascist funded Tea Party & Muslim owned propaganda machine known as FOX News is your friend? Take some time to find out where the $$$$ is coming from behind those "conservative" echo chambers.

The definition of treason is advocating the violent overthrow of the (democratically elected) US Govenrment. Those imbeciles aren't "patriots" they're traitors. They are exactly what the 2nd Amendment defines as "domestic enemies of the state". Just because you don't like the way an election turned out, that doesn't give you the right to take up arms against the government. If you are a true "patriot" you would take up arms to defend your country against those traitors if necessary.

What if all the ranchers out West decided to ignore regulations & take over BLM lands? How do think the hunters in those states would like deadbeats like Bundy infringing on their right to hunt PUBLIC land by taking it over as if it were intended for their exploitation? Even though it belongs to all the citizens of the US.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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Wildcat, I never stated I'm Tea Party and I don't have cable or even own a TV.  I certainly can afford it, but see no value in it.  That shows how assumptive and judgmental you are.  It also shows how easily you can be used as a tool for leftist, progressives and propagandists.  You seem to not question anything they feed you as long as it supports your desire to "fix" the country in your own image.  Your obviously a leftist, based on your recent posts.  NY state elected officials and politics reflect your views too.  I'm sure you support them.


The Bundy issue has a history going back decades, a history one must read in order to speak intelligently on the current event.  You apparently have not bothered to educate yourself on the history.


You are however, giving me a real education about your mindset.  It's not surprising.


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Can you prove that such people even exist? Do you have proof that Bundy and his supporters want to overthrow the government in such a manner, as you seem to suggest is their true motivation?


And isn't that what the Founding Fathers did, once government went rogue?


It's hilarious that you think the current government is 'democratic'.  Obamacare anyone?

Do you even know what the original Boston Tea Party was about?

It was about tax breaks, government bailouts & virtual monopoly status for corporations. I. E. The British East India Company. Sounds like a rebellion against "conservative' ideology to me.

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Do you even know what the original Boston Tea Party was about?

It was about tax breaks, government bailouts & virtual monopoly status for corporations. I. E. The British East India Company. Sounds like a rebellion against "conservative' ideology to me.


The Gospel according to Liberals.


It had nothing to do with being taxed, but having no representation.  We have the same problem again today.  How did that happen?

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Wildcat, I never stated I'm Tea Party and I don't have cable or even own a TV.  I certainly can afford it, but see no value in it.  That shows how assumptive and judgmental you are.  It also shows how easily you can be used as a tool for leftist, progressives and propagandists.  You seem to not question anything they feed you as long as it supports your desire to "fix" the country in your own image.  Your obviously a leftist, based on your recent posts.  NY state elected officials and politics reflect your views too.  I'm sure you support them.


The Bundy issue has a history going back decades, a history one must read in order to speak intelligently on the current event.  You apparently have not bothered to educate yourself on the history.


You are however, giving me a real education about your mindset.  It's not surprising.

Take some reading comprehension classes & learn the difference between a statement & a question. A question is intended to provide an avenue for discussion.


I never stated anyone was either a member of the Tea Party or a FOX News viewer. I merely asked if anyone thought that these propaganda machines had their best interests in mind.

Quite a difference. Oh, but the right doesn't use propaganda does it?



As far as "tools"? You don't think that the right uses people as tools?

I have conservative views & I have liberal views. Anyone that can't see some good on both sides is narrow minded & being used as a tool. But those of you on the right seem to think there is no room for free thinking. It's either all one way or the other. How naive is that?


Now, about our State government. If you think that Cuomo is a "liberal" you don't have a clue what liberal means.


Quomo is about 90% conservative & his only "liberal" stance is one that I don't support & that is The Safe Act. One only had to compare his campaign with that of Alise Steffonic (sp?) to see that they were from the same source & therefore from the same $$$$$. The "right" even made sure that his opponent was someone that couldn't win as Quomo had a close call in the primary from a relative unknown that was late to the party with little funding.


Do you think that the powers that be on the "right" won't try to take your guns when it is convenient for them & they don't need your votes anymore?


Not all liberals are gungrabbers & not all gungrabbers are liberals. Quomo fits the later catagory.

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Nope. A DHS funded report from the University of Maryland listed Constitutionalists and Tax protestors ('sovereign citizens') above Jihadists, as the biggest threat to the US.



What you should understand is DHS is made up of a bureaucracy at the top, followed by the front line people, like Border Patrol, and Customs. Many of the BP or Customs officers are veterans. They can weed out the BS, coming from the appointed administration officials. But there is no disputing this, or many others, 




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I see.  The government is your friend.  Obey.


that's not the point here. There is a right and a wrong way to protest injustice. Stockpiling ammo in a bunker and planing bombings like that of the first world trade and Oklahoma city are not the right way to do it. And yes, it will land you on the feds radar and I'm glad it does. At the end of the day if I get blown up by an Arab or by a Neo Nazi, I'm still dead and the government let me down.


And then we can talk about assassinations. How many of our leaders and presidents were gunned down by foreign governments and not our own wackos?

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Except Taxes had nothing to with it. At first they Feds created some cock-n-bull story about a tortoise that needed protecting.


The real story is that senator Harry Reid was working in tandem with the BLM to grab Buddy's land which had been pegged for development for solar and wind farms.


The BLM and Reid had already run of ever other rancher in the area. Bundy was the last hurdle.


Good interview







No one mentioned support for  either the Tea party or Fox news here. I certainly would give neither the time of the day.

OK if you say so.

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I see...So posting an interview with an outside guest on Fox (who dumped Bundy btw) is support for Fox in your mind?


Just don't understand how your mind works Junkie. You make no sense.


And you still have provided no evidence for Bundy's treason or the Koch brothers 'fascism'.

Facsism can be defined as either government control of corporations or corporate control of the government. It is the marriage of goverment & corporations for total control.


Bundy wasn't the one comitting treason. Armed thugs taking the law into their own hands against a deuly elected government are comitting treason.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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