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Blizzard of 77; 38 Years Later


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I was driving back to Michigan when the blizzard of '96 hit. It took me 36 hours on what normally would take me less than 12 hours. Doing 10 mph on some stretches of I-80 through Pennsylvania.

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I was 16 at the time then, and school was cancelled for 2 weeks. I remember walking up onto I-290 near my house with some friends and the drifts literally covered abandoned tractor trailers and cars. It was something you would never forget how big the snow drifts were. Made a lot of money helping shovel out doorways at homes in neighborhood or cars that were buried. That blizzard was the worst ever.

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On a MUCH smaller scale the October Surprise in 2006 we had here was horribly devastating. I don't exactly remember right now but I think we were out of electric for a week. The epicenter war within a mile or two of me and it was also unreal damage. Scary as hell hearing those monster branches and trees coming down.

I spent two days making sure my family was A-OK then it was balls to the wall work.........I ripped out tens of thousands of square feet of wet carpet in the next 10 days or so!! Cha-CHING! :)

I still cringe every time I hear a generator running
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Of course we found her.  She was screaming " help, I'm stuck", plus there was only one set tracks and they stopped where there was a deep hole in the snow.


As a reward, every snowball fight we have had since then, she throws the first couple ones at my face, coating my glasses so I could't see.  Now her vision is worse than mine and she is the younger one - that's Karma for you.

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