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Question....might be a repeat so sorry in advance


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Does anyone know if NY is planning on adding more days to use the crossbow? Or even open it up to full season archery for 2015?

Like I said, sorry if this has been covered already but I don't get on a ton anymore due to health issues.

My newlywed wife told me she would buy me a new PSE xbow for my birthday but I wanna justify it. I know...silly me, why does it need to be justified...just take the gift and say ty dear right?

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As far as I know, there will be no changes from last year regarding Xbows. Couple of bills stuck in the Enviro Committee that would have corrected previous definitions, classification, seasons, required license, etc. With legislature on summer break, nothing happening in Albany until they reconvene in late August.


Maybe in 2016-17 season...?

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Even if they don't make changes, if you are willing to take a drive up to the Northern Zone, you can get 2 weeks up there, in addition to the 2 weeks in the Southern zone. In most zones up there you can take two antlerless deer or one antlerless, one antlered deer with your crossbow if you purchase both an archery and a ML tag. I am heading up again this fall for a 4-day trip, catching the last two days of the Northern zone crossbow season, and the first two of the ML (You can use a crossbow thru that 1 week season also, giving you a total of 3 weeks for the crossbow up there prior to gun season). I was up there a couple weeks ago, and the open-for-public hunting land around Kring Point State park was loaded with deer. You can be there in 4-1/2 hour drive from home. Here in the Southern zone, a nice feature is that those two weeks down here include the peak rut "prime-time".

I am very thankful for what we got here now with the crossbow, but I have no intention of "letting" up in the drive for full inclusion for all of archery season. I have seen first hand how the crossbow is about 10x more effective on deer than a compound. The last thing I will do is let that small selfish group of bowhunters who are fighting the crossbow relax. They are down, the time is right to put them out.

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