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Talked to the hunter next door(camp)


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He's a nice elderly man that I try to help out.....but he hasn't been around this season...his son came down for a few days but saw / got nothing....Poor Guy...we were talking and I showed him my bucks(he asked) and he said where?....told him and he said there's no buck hunting here...I said yes and told him when..saying he still has until Sunday and what are still around and how they travel through his place...No.... and he gets out the guide. Well no wonder I haven't seen him...and I can see how an elderly person could have missed it...It showed the antlerless only zone...then way over to the right in fine small print gave the dates....he didn't think he could kill a buck! ..Damn DEC!!...anyways I gave him some tips and left for errands...We made plans to move the dump truck loads of soil I had the town drop off. He showed me where he wants it and thanked me for having the town drop them off...I told him I have 2 more piles across the street if he needs, which left him with a big smile.


So here, there is good weather and he's recovering from some medical issues now,but able to get down here. Can't shoot a buck if it were the only deer to come by after Sunday. :fie: Missed out on a lot of the season thinking it was doe only....Knowing when the deer are moving here during the day, it's buck we see over doe..


wonder how many will not remember no buck here next week if they have a tag left..

Edited by growalot
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Ya.... I know, but I looked at the guide and seriously.... look where they put the dates after the line chart they have..It confused me for a milisecond and all we've talked about...every dig I could get in... This fall has been these rules..he doesn't bow hunt. Plus I swear the dates were put in a lighter thinner typescript...I missed them at first until I took my driving glasses off..lol

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