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Justice Scalia

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Sincere condolences to his family, friends, and fellow countrymen. He served well and he will be missed.


We're going to see very soon what the Republican side of Capitol Hill is really made of when the current President attempts to replace Justice Scalia. Another Progressive anti-Constitutionalist on the bench will not bode well for the future of our Republic. There are a number of very important cases scheduled to be heard before the next President is sworn in, most having to do with the legality of certain Executive Orders, and I don't think they can even proceed without a full bench.

The Presidential election was going to make the next nine months a bumpy road in itself. This is going to make it a nightmare.

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This is extremely bad. Justice Scalia was what stood between the rabid libs on the bench, & the Constitution.

The timing couldn't be worse. So called "republicans" haven't put up an honest fight against king obama yet, so who's to say they'll resist his liberal nominee? They won't, of course. They'll flail weakly at it & talk big, while really just folding & saying they had no choice.

Wouldn't it be great if bernie wins, & sticks obama himself on the bench?

This could be the end of America as we know it. Evil is surely afoot. God help us.

Edited by Skillet
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From the article above (Obergefell was the recent gay marriage case):


"Calling the Court a “threat to American democracy,” Justice Scalia wrote in his Obergefell dissent, t is not of special importance to me what the law says about marriage. It is of overwhelming importance, however, who it is that rules me. Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court.” We won’t talk the court out of its power-mad, usurpative bent. Only power negates power. It’s time to stop acting like impotent fools and start showing the Court how impotent it really is." 

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