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Spring Cleaning


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So, this year the g/f and I decided to sell some things we don't use much or really need. Funny how the lists ended up.


My List:


Few replica katana's I have

Air rifle I don't use

Pup tent I can't use anymore



The G/F's List:






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No way! She helped me get back to a place where I was able to hunt again. After being with me for 5 years and listening to me talk about how much I missed hunting, she said so stop talking and go do it! Last year when my bow busted and I was talking about maybe going back into gun hunting, and was looking at a specific rifle and himing and hawing,  she said well that rifle isn't going to find it's way here on it's own, go get it. When I came home with two guns she didn't care. She asked why two, and when I said I can't hunt turkey with a rifle she said good point.

I got a good one.



EDIT..Oh, and while making lamps might be fun for some, a good woman is best for others. LOL




Edited by ....rob
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