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On what happened here...there is a video and there is a still to show you what the day shot looks like...now on the day pic on the very far upper left corner you will see the mulberry trees...2 cams both facing to the left...on the card I copied the video from, there were 3 items. 1&2 were stills  and 3 was this video I never changed the cam from pic to video...note the noise to cam and then no sound and the very end of video a light appears from rt to left.the main road is 200ft behind the camera north...the light goes across the clover field. My property is 1300ft on all sides then another 1/2 mile to the next road south of this.




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I thought that ,but it doesn't explain the camera switching modes or that light at the end of video...We own both sides of the road...the house is 500ft directly north of this. The nearest house is up the hill 1/4 mile with woods between us and this is the east side of our property so the 1acre "hunting camp " guy is 1400 ft down  the hill with woods between us.


Oh... downed trees would prevent a 4 wheeler from using the trails...

Edited by growalot
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I tried to listen but couldn't tell. To me it looked like someone turned on the light from an atv or something.




PS I also want to add that I am really jealous of your clover! I have been struggling for years to try and get mine to look like that and it's still a mess lol

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Thanks...mowing a new plot several times in the spring. One ,to encourage rapid growth. Two to catch the weeds /grasses just before seed becomes viable. You have to time it...for daisy flower heads viability is as soon as they flower...so cutting them disperse seed. BUT allow them to get a good group of flowers it weakens the plant making pulling them out with most of roots possible..,same with most perennial weeds.I do a lot of weed pulling. Allowing the clover to help smother what remains.

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The sound at 7 seconds is weird. Is it the camera trigger you hear? Half that sound comes again right at the end when the streak of light shows. Which by the way I think is just a big bug or bat reflecting the cam glow.

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