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Feds Remove the Lesser Prairie Chicken From Protection List


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Feds Remove the Lesser Prairie Chicken From Protection List




Facing an uphill court fight, the U.S. government announced Tuesday it was formally removing the lesser prairie chicken from a federal protection list under the Endangered Species Act.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said the move follows recent court rulings in Texas that stripped the lesser prairie chicken of federal protection. However, federal officials say the removal didn't mean authorities had concluded the lesser prairie chicken didn't warrant federal protection for biological reasons.

"The service is undertaking a thorough re-evaluation of the bird's status and the threats it faces using the best available scientific information to determine anew whether listing under the ESA is warranted," the agency said.

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They learned from the Great Prairie Chicken that it is best to remove them from the list so they can allow hunting of them eventually which helps gather money for improvements in habitat.  



One thing most don't realize is that if these birds hit the endangered list, vast tracts of Federal land would be shut down from access and private land would be limited as far as oil and gas drilling would be concerned. Remember the Owl that shut down the logging industry in the north west?

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