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Scent Drippers


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I just bought the magnum dripperee3f78591e2e72f34bbfc09a18adc603.jpg and I was wondering instead on the scrape scent I want too put in doe in estrous scent and set it up. Will that work or do you think I'm better off putting the stuff that comes with it in it. I figured I would be better off with doe in estrous because rut is a couple days away. Let me know what you guys think and what you guys do..

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I have one of those and I wouldn't have ever thought of putting doe estrous in it. I am no expert but I would think the deer would just get used to the smell and stop checking it. The scrape scent is suppose to make multiply bucks check it out and keep checking it for sign of other bucks. I haven't had much luck but I keep trying it...

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5 minutes ago, The Jerkman said:

Do those things even work?

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I guess that depends on what you are asking....does it drip scent with the daytime heating of the day....Yes...does it get multiply bucks coming in from miles away to scrape away at it.....Not from what i have ever seen with mine...

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5 minutes ago, growalot said:

I have that one and I use the scrape formula and spray estrus in scrape...The bottle is empty right now and has been a few days though the areas reeks. it gets visits from both doe and buck...this is the latest ....

PICT0003 (9).JPG

That's a nice deer....and you have said you don't share your good pics.....wow!

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The trick to thse is variety...If you set it early and use more than one bottle ...use a different brand scrape juice...I also have more than one doe urine and then estrus urine, first rutting stuff now...get the other deer wanting to come in and use it..once they do leave it alone...I have to say I did one other thing to draw deer over to take a look. you know those car vent "hair pin type" air fresheners for your air vents...well I found a mixed berry one that smells real and strong...I took one and clipped it to a nearby branch up high so they can't reach it...apples have all dropped...well they can smell it and have come in to check it out...they come 2 to a package..can't remember brand.

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