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And Then There's the Middle East thing

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Obama has been much quieter about Gadhafi's bloody regime  than he was in his support for Mubarak's ouster. Perhaps that is  because, by extension, Obama has ties to Gadhafi that he would like to  leave in the closet. As you may recall, Obama's spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright,  has long been tied to Gadhafi and the U.S. organization he sponsors,  Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam. In the 2008 election campaign, Wright  even noted, "When [Obama's] enemies find out that I went to Tripoli to  visit [Gadhafi] with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up  quicker than a snowball in hell." Of course, at the time, his  sychophants were so focused on "hope and change" that nobody noticed.

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In related news about vulnerable Arabic regimes, Saudi  Arabia's King Abdullah returned from three months abroad on Wednesday  and promptly cracked open the royal piggy bank, clearly hoping simply to  pay off any of his subjects who might be getting ideas about revolt.  According to differing news reports, the king doled out between $34 and  $37 billion worth of cheer in different subsidies. Abdullah and his very  extended ruling family have good reason to worry. Saudi Arabia provides  free college education to its young men and women but cannot provide  them with jobs. Outside the oil industry, which is largely run by  foreigners, and a limited number of government jobs, the ordinary Saudi  has little opportunity to move up in the world or to support a family.

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King Abdullah was not on vacation. he was in "America" (the U.S.) getting medical treatment he couldn't get in his own country. He didn't travel to Britain, or any other European country, nor to Russia, or China, or Israel, even. He took his medical problem to the U.S. because he knew he would get the most competent, most reliable, care anywhere. Further, he felt no fear that he would not only get bad care, but have his life threatened by coming here.

Yet, still many Americans profess ObamaCare as fixing the best system in the world?

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