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What started you hunting?


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Pretty similar to Elmo's story for me.

Grew up in Flushing, Queens to immigrant parents.

NOBODY I knew hunted but I always had the urge even when I was a kid.

Urge sat on the backburner for years, college - work - marriage - house - kid.

One day last summer I was at a friend's BBQ. All the guys were sitting around, drinking, smoking cigars and talking about how wonderful bacon is. That led me to bring up boar hunting in PA. A lot of the guys were down for that but only one friend was interested in non-packaged hunting with me.

Well, once reality hit, everyone else ended up backing out and the one friend who was interested ended up moving to another state for work. He also ended up marrying a girl who is an absolute sweetheart but is against him owning any "dangerous projectile discharging mechanisms" and hunting.

But I decided, screw it, I've been letting this sit for too long. Signed up for the hunters safety course and bought my first rifle. I only got out 3 times last season and didn't have any luck in tracking a buck and had my first steaming bowl of tag soup.

Realized I needed a longer season with closer locations so I also bought a bow and sat through another butt numbing 8hr course. Working on tuning that now.

Hoping I'll be able to at least fill one of those whitetail tags this year.

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