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Bummer opener

Arcade Hunter

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Sometimes a blessing sometimes a curse...those deer could have very well stayed near you to keep an eye of the happenings next door...I had a neighbor that would walk the neighbors lands borders along my border ...every single afternoon ..one day he actually stopped 20 yrds out and waved at me NICE! This was always just at end of day ...after I had sat several hours just waiting for this time....Well that day he waved...big shite eating grin on his face and turned to walk home. As I watched him in disgust out of the briars next to the trail he was on popped a nice 8pt's head...he watched him walk away too...then stepped out and walked right up under my stand..I named that buck after the guy....then when he came down to vote(I was an inspector) I said THANKS!...he never walked by me again...

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